
Faith and Friendship
“Through faith we enter into friendship with the Lord, through charity this friendship is lived and cultivated”.
10 Ideas to Develop and Strengthen a Long Distance Relationship
Some suggestions for a long Distance Relationship.
Attention Catholic Guys
5 Qualities that Catholic Ladies Will Love
The Divine Gift of One’s Whole Self in Marriage
The greatest gift for your future wife is tell her: I´ll wait.
Dear Future Wife
A Young Man Shares A Beautiful Love Letter to the Wife He Does Not Yet Know
Dating, Chastity, and the Single Life.
The heart and mind of a young woman who is patiently waiting for God’s plan to unfold in her life.
3 Good Reasons Catholics Should be Feminists
If you’ve heard that being a feminist is anti-Catholic, think again.
Engaged Couple’s Spiritual Checklist
We have a checklist for you of the spiritual things you should be doing in preparation not just for your wedding day, but for your marriage.
The Sculptor
The Holy Spirit is like a master sculptor.
Tips for Catholic Man Seeking to Win a Woman’s Heart
Men and Women expect an authentic love.
Dating Apps
Young singles are too busy in their phones .
Man or Woman.
A difference that matters
About Toxic Love
A “love” that demands an obstruction of one of the individuals’ personal development is not love.
Love and Lent
No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.-John 13:15
A New Report from the Institute for Family Studies
Premarital Sex Affects Marital Happiness
The Relationship With Your In-Laws
The first mother-in-law was Eve.

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