
Amoris Laetitia
This Encyclical was directed to Bishops, Priests and Deacons consecrated persons Christian married couples and all the lay faithful on love in the family and talks about the Holy Father.
Aeterni Patris
Encyclical on the Restorartion of Christian Philosophy of Pope Leo XIII promulgated on August 4, 1879, to the Patriarchs, Primates, Archbishops, and Bishops of the Catholic World in Grace and Communion With the Apostolic See.
Fausto Appetente Die
It was published on June 1921, dedicated to the figure of St. Dominic on the occasion of the seventh centenary of his death.
Was destinated to the Hungarian People and was published on May, 1896
Quo Graviora
Officio Sanctissimo
Encyclical on the Church In Bavaria of Pope Leo XIII promulgated on December 22, 1887. To the Archbishops and Bishops of Bavaria.
Singulari Quidem
Acerba animi
Difficult situation of the catholic Church in Mexico, The Mexican government at the time was engaging in violently anticlerical persecution of the Church, and the Pope harshly criticised the government for its past and current abuse of the Church
Custodi Di Quella Fede
Encylical On Freemasonry of Pope Leo XIII, promulgated on December 8, 1892
Iucunda Semper Expectatione
This encyclical was published on September 1894 and talks about the Rosary
Encyclical On Religious Union of Pope Leo XIII promulgated on June 25, 1891. To Joseph Sebastian, S.R.E. Cardinal Netto, Patriarch of Lisbon, Americo S.R.E. Cardinal Dos Santos Silva, Bishop of Oporto; and Brethren Antony, Archbishop of Braga, and to the other Archbishops and Bishops of Portugal.
Humanum Genus
Encyclical of Pope Leo XIII on freemasonry, April 20, 1884

In Amplissimo
This Encyclical was directed to the people of the United States of America, it was destinated to change the point of view of the Church in those times.
Nemo Certe Ignorat
Litteras A Vobis
Pople Leo XIII, in this encyclical talks about the Clery in Brazil.

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