
Uprooting Sin
Luke 17:1-6
Human Harshness vs. the Charity of a Saint
Matthew 18:21 - 19:1
Kings and Gold Coins
Luke 19: 11-28. Lord Jesus, teach me to be patient and persevering in using my talents to serve you and my neighbor.
Cancelling or Fulfilling – Emptiness or Plenitude
Matthew 5:17-1
Help My Unbelief!
Mark 9:14-29, Monday of the Seventh Week in Ordinary Time. Cycle A
They could not even have a meal
Cycle A Ordinary Time
Learning to Follow Directions
Mark 6:7-13. I believe in you, and I believe that I must follow your will in all that I do.
The Joy of Lent
Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18, Ash Wednesday. Cycle A
With the Eyeglasses of Faith
Matthew 9: 9-13. I desire mercy, not sacrifice.
The Choice Between God and Mammon
Luke 16: 9-15
From the Beginning It Was Not So
Matthew 19:3-12. Lord God, fill me with your grace so I can meet your lofty expectations.
No Sleeping on the Job
Matthew 24:42-51
Letting Jesus Sleep
Matthew 8: 23-27. Lord, grant me the grace of a mature faith.
Fathoming Christ's Mercy
Matthew 9:1-8. Lord, grant me a deeper experience of your mercy.
Money Changes Everything
Matthew 19:16-22.Teacher, what good must I do to gain eternal life?

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