
The Power of the Father’s Blessing
2 Prayers That Dads Should Memorize And Use Daily
Natural Family Planning Resources
Contacts for information about NFP
Tinsel or Garland? Real or Fake?
In our first year of marriage, that was our first major argument as a couple. Creating new traditions, unique to us as a couple, has been one of the most enjoyable aspects of each passing holiday season.
Top 10 Reasons to Communicate
Why is communication in marriage so important.
5 Reasons Your Spouse Should be More in Love With God Than With You
Loving our spouse like ourselves is a tremendous path of love,
Encountering Christ’s Quiet Heart
We ought to go forth in the confidence that God has called and asks us to be instruments to call others.
So you’re a godparent?
25 Ways to Be a Great Long-Distance Godparent
Newman Guide
The Cardinal Newman Society has released an annual guide of recommended colleges
They said it Wouldn't Last
There have been many ups and downs throughout my marriage of 19 years. Some folks said my husband and I wouldn’t last six months; we were so different!
A Family without God, is a guaranteed failure
Just as we can’t leave a man without food, it is unthinkable to leave a family without God
How To Take Young Children To Mass
Forming children in our Catholic Faith
The Naturalness of Death
If something is sure, is that a person when it is born, it is going to die. If this is one of the few certainties that man has in life, then why should avoid it?
The Promise
My son and his wife experienced a real challenge at a time that should have been their greatest joy. My daughter-in-law fell victim to post-partum psychosis after the birth of their first child. Through the year that followed both families supported the young couple as best they could. I came to help take care of the baby for a time.
Array Hope
New Music Video From Array of Hope!
A Living, Changing Love
Love looks different after time
Why Get Married in a Church?
“I just want to be married outside” is generally not going to be reason enough.

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