
Our Daily Dust
Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.
Lord, Say the Wor
Luke 7:1-1
Sain Odon de Novara
January 14, Saint
Charitate Christi
17 practical advices to live the mass in the best way, and only depend on us.
The fruit of every Mass for our souls depends primarily on the preparation and readiness with which we attend.
Transform the world
The light that you and I are to be to the world – which sounds like a daunting task – is the light of Christ and not our own.
Section Two

Matthew 16:24-28
What´s your own idea of beauty?
An extraordinary experiment

Can I change my mind?
There are people who believe that they will never change their minds. How they come to think so?
But I didn´t do anything wrong. What about the testimony?
The silence before the destruction of the values that God has placed in man is guilty omission, is complicity
St. Honoratus of Fondi
January 16, Saint
The Kingdom is Near
Luke 21:29-33
Transform the world!
Make no mistake about it; disciples of Jesus are called to transform the world!
To Be Free to Love
Mark 1: 40-45. This story is for us, to show us Christ's heart, reveals his love and his desire to free us from sin.

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