
Seven apps to get you excited for Christmas
The app world also celebrates Christmas.

Friendship, rules, falling in love and family
The TV drama revealing what young people think

What does it mean to be an apostle?
6 phrases that will help us understand this call

Gotta Love Millennials
Hilarious Parody, Insightful Commentary!

Incredibles 2
‘Incredibles 2’ designer says God’s creation is his inspiration.

Letter From the Synod Fathers to Young People
The Synod Fathers invite the young to "be a brighter future."

Love and Frienship
A workshop in Rome on the importance of educating young people about love and friendship

Pilgrimage to St. Peter's
Youth, bishops and cardinals make pilgrimage to St. Peter's in final synod days

The importance of a decision
They help me to guide my life, leave and take, build or destroy, spread affection or provoke resentment.

Librarian in Flight
We are born in majestic silence, and at death we depart with reverent quiet.

Becoming digital missionaries
The Church, he said, wants to dwell in the digital world in an official and serious way.

The youth center at the center of the Church
St. Lawrence in Piscibus, a tiny and simple church from the 12th century.

A day without social networks
Why would I open my social network? What do I want to find?

The truth of the hurt of abortion is so routinely suppressed
Let’s talk about abortion-after-care, precisely because abortion hurts women.

6 Tips For When You Experience Low-Key Rejection
Rejection is wrapped up in humiliation, the feeling that we alone.

10 Times Pope Francis Reminded Us It’s Ok To Cry
The world wants us to believe that to cry is to show weakness and defeat.

They’ve Seen me Cross
I would like to tell you a story, I know that I am living the process, but that is just why I’m telling it.

What children and teens have been up to at WMOF
Ireland where children and teens have their own programme.

An honest person shines in a particular way

Inner Peace
Our peace comes from the in-dwelling of the Holy Spirit not from simple acceptance of the past.

Sunlight in the library
We need to connect with the same experience of Jesus as the disciples did.

Understanding Fertility
How knowing your fertility can catch diseases early

What a Young Professional Learned About God on a Trip to Haiti
Seven days of giving to others ‘were filled with so much joy it was hard to believe I was at an orphanage´

A Letter to Catechists
Your Goal should be to set the hearts of your students on fire with love for Jesus Christ.

Discovering the Gifts
Givenness, every person is a gift.

11 Youth Ministry Resources
What are your favorite online recources or websites for youth ministry?

How can the US Church reach young adults?
By building relationships

Youth are lost in a 'virtual world'
The pope said that the works of mercy “help young people so much”

8 Books to Read When You are Feeling Down
Here are eight suggestions that you might like to try out next time you’re having a rainy day!

Who am I?
The teen and the one who helps him to know Christ

Difficulties vs. Challenges
Every man is called to the challenge of being a saint.

Greeks for God
College ministry brings fraternities, sororities to Christ.

Role Models
Common sense and faith can show up where least expected.

My Relationship with God as a Teenager
There is a God who is always knocking on our door.

The World needs to hear, that you believe in Jesus.
We have been given an exciting and unbelievable mandate: to evangelise and let the world know that there is a God who loves us unconditionally.

The Hour of Br. Anthony
"Take heed, keep on the alert; for you do not know when the appointed time will come."

Live the Holy Week with Faith
This Holy Week open your Heart to Him.

How The World Gets God’s Unconditional Love Wrong
He loves us all no matter how we’ve sinned or how we’ve turned away.

Your Music, My Music
Each person is a musician and has a melody to play for those who want to hear

YouTubers provide content that is enjoyable, entertaining and informative.

7 Ways To Do Lent
Ways to do Lent that do not Involve Food

Pre-synod gathering in Rome this March
The Youth Synod’s theme is “Young People, the Faith and Vocational Discernment.”

The Cross and the Cell Phone
Instagram in theory a place where we can share images.

Peace and progress start with education.
Catholic educational institutions play a prophetic role in helping future generations

Faith is an adventure.
Jesus is our internet connection.

True Love Waits
“Late have I loved you. You waited for me, I searched for you. What took me so long?”

Men are craving authentic friendships
Male friendships are becoming a rarity in American culture

Jesus´ birth
Animals present Jesus' birth in first Nativity Story movie at Christmas time

ID, please
For adolescents, some of their most pressing questions are about their identity. “Who am I?”

Fellowship of Catholic University Students
SLS Leadership Conference offer five days of fellowship and evangelical instruction.

Youth ministry.
Young people want to be listened to.

Georgetown students' commission votes not to sanction pro-marriage group
Love Saxa is a group of students in favor of marriage

Take the Time
I think that the human person is like a sunrise.

Pope’s Video to Canadian Youth
Flood the Places Where You Live With the Joy and Enthusiasm

Light means hope, light shines in the darkness

Take the time
I think that the human person is like a sunrise.

The Value of a Smile
If you knew how much you can change somebody's day just by smiling, you would smile more often.

Can I Change My Mind?
There are people who believe that they will never change their minds. How they come to think so?

Pride: a constant struggle
Let us strive with God's grace, to fight our pride and humbly live the truth

What's your own idea of beauty?
An extraordinary experiment worth reading!

Why aren´t we happy when we compare ourselves with others?
We have all at some point in life fallen into greater or lesser degree in this, comparing ourselves in that effort we have to know whether we are better or worse than another

Acknowledge our own weakness
Known finite and vulnerable is an important part of the greatness of man, who can recognize their evil inclinations and fragility.

Anatomy of anger and emotional control
Angry with the right person, at the right degree, at the right time with the right purpose and in the right way, not so easy

Masculinity and Beauty
The humanities promote manliness and have an important role to play in forming a truly masculine heart.


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