What you must ask from religions? Before any religion lie two questions that cannot be left aside |
US, Mexican bishops talk about NAFTA |
A picture of Eternity The power to create a fantastic fictional world and express your ideas in beautiful images. |
The arrow and the Song Nowhere better than in “The Arrow and the Song” is this idea set to words. Great poems shine in their own right, but they shine brightest when they reflect the benevolent sparkle that is found in the eye of a friend. |
The mission of the Legion But what does evangelization of culture mean? |
Teach a man to fish “I hated the idea of studying art or literature.” This was Matías Garmendia, LC´s response to having to spend at least a year studying humanities at the Legion of Christ College in Cheshire, Connecticut. |
Why are the liberal arts necessary for PRIESTS? Wisdom and her ministers |
The Heart of the Matter Beauty is strictly related with love. When we learn to see creation as a gift of love, we come to recognize its beauty |
The historical Shakespeare “This Shakespeare biography is a fruit of a decade of research of labors” |
Michelangelo and Mercy On the sixth of May we took Rome by storm, killed 6,000 men, plundered the houses, carried off what we found in churches and elsewhere, and finally set fire to a good portion of the town. |
I do pity him ‘You may keep your bows bent, and shoot me at least, if I fail. I shall not run away.’ (The Lord of the Rings, p.669,671) |
Who I am? If it is true that the entire drama of human life can be reduced to the single question, “Who am I?” |
For they will be shown mercy Blessed are the merciful for they will be shown mercy |
The great expectation Man cannot live without love. If he does not encounter love, if he does not experience it and make it his own, if he does not participate intimately in it, his life is senseless. |