
We will be eternally grateful
An Instrument of Christ on Earth

Act of Self-Dedication
Take Oh Lord, and receive my entire liberty...

The Mysteries of the Rosary
Joyful Mystery of the Rosary

Prayer for a Priest
Oh Jesus, our great High Priest...

A Night Prayer
Eternal Father, I desire to rest in Thy Heart this night...

Prayer before Study
Before study or instructions

Prayer before Starting on a Journey
My holy Angel Guardian, ask the Lord to bless the journey...

Each New Day
Let me pause as I begin this new day to give it to You...

Prayer for the Unborn Child
Give us the strength to defend human life against every influence or action that threatens or weakens it...

Prayer for Aborted Babies
Please forgive those who destroy human life by aborting their unborn babies.

Grace Before and After Meals
Prayer before and after meals

Prayer for a Sick Person
Almighty and Eternal God, You are the everlasting health of those who believe in You.

A Marriage Blessing Prayer
We thank you, O God, for the Love You have implanted in our hearts...

Prayer for the Pope
Oh Lord, we are the millions of believers...

Christmas Prayer
Lord, in this holy season of prayer and song and laughter...

Prayer for a Blessing on the New Year
Start of a New Year

Children`s Prayer for Parents
Dear Lord! Fill our parents with Thy choicest blessings...

Prayer for the Sick
Father of goodness and love...

Prayer at the Elevation
Hail! most blessed Jesus, eternal Son of the Most High God, Oh deign to be merciful to those for whom we pray...

Evening Prayer
Prayer for the evening

Christmas Prayer I
Lord, in this holy season of prayer and song and laughter...

Prayer for the Dead
Prayer for the Dead God our Father, Your power brings us to birth...

Prayer to Mary Queen of Apostles
Immaculate Mother of God, Queen of the Apostles...

Christmas Anticipation Prayer
Hail and blessed be the hour and moment...

Prayer to the Blessed Sacrament and the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Behold, Oh most loving Jesus, the wonderful extent of Thine excessive charity!

Novena fro the Virgin Mary

Christmas Novena
Novena for Christmas

Loving God
Loving God, you speak to us through all of life...

Novena to the Holy Ghodt
Friday after Ascension Thursday thru Saturday, the Vigil of Pentecost

Infant Jesus of Prague Novena Prayer
"Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened."

Novena to Christ the King
Say the following prayers each day...


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