
Three Prayers the The Blessed Virgin Mary
For All Virtues, But Especially for Purity

Three Prayers the The Blessed Virgin Mary (for All Virtues, But Especially for Purity)

I venerate thee with my whole heart, O Most Holy Virgin, above all the Angels and Saints in Heaven, ad Daughter of the Eternal Father; and I consecrate to thee my soul with all its faculties.
Hail Mary...
I venerate thee with my whole heart, O Most Holy Virgin, above all the Angels and Saints in Heaven, as Mother of the only-begotten Son of God; and I consecrate to thee my body with all its senses.
Hail Mary...
I venerate thee with my whole heart, O Most Holy Virgin, above all the Angels and Saints in Heaven, as the beloved Spouse of the Holy Ghost; and I consecrate thee my heart with all its affections, beseeching thee to obtain for me of the Most Sacred Trinity every help for my salvation.
Hail Mary.

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