
God, Are You Suffering From Disappointment?
Herein lies the greatness of God and the wonderful surprise of the Christian message.

Author: P. Fernando Pascual, L.C | Source:

God, are you suffering from disappointment? Has the day come when you "discovered" that your children aren't that good? Do you feel betrayed and disillusioned by human behavior?

It is strange to say that God suffers disappointment, for He knows everything before it happens. God is out of time: what we were yesterday, what we do today and what we will be tomorrow are simultaneously under his gaze.

In Scripture, however, we speak of God's "feelings" in a human way, and it comes to say that God feels sorrow and repents of having created men on earth (cf. Gen 6:6-7).

It is also said that God has a greater and more loving heart than a mother: if she ceased to love the fruit of her entrails, God cannot fail to love us (cf. Is 49:15).

God's love is eternal, it is constant, it is faithful (cf. Is 54:8 and Jer 31:3). Even after our sins, after the thousands of times we offended His love and "deceived" Him, He maintained His affection for us (at least we deserved it) and gave his Son to save those who were immersed in sin (cf. Rom 5).

Herein lies the greatness of God and the wonderful surprise of the Christian message: God is always faithful in his Love for us, even if we give him no reason to love us and many reasons to "deceive him" and to provoke him to anger (cf. 1Jn 4:9-10).

Therefore, the Christian way of responding to the disappointments we suffer from others must be similar to the divine: not with hatred or resentment, but with a love that knows how to wait, forgive and welcome. If God has been so good to us, can't we begin to be a little more good and merciful to our brothers and sisters? (cf. Lk 6:35-37; 1Pe 3.8-9)

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