Reflection in a GPS: The Journey of a Lifetime
Reason and conscience are two wonderful devices that we, perhaps, use little and end up spoiled.

It is comfortable and safe to travel with a GPS. The point of departure and arrival are noted on the device and as we drive the car, we receive the appropriate instructions. If we suffer any errors, it warns us that it will recalculate the route. It works, I'm told, thanks to 24 orbiting satellites that cover, in detail, the entire surface of the earth and send signals to each receiver.
It seems that it was invented for military purpose by the great powers and like so many other things have become commonly used.
While I was in my car, I thought that it would also be interesting to have a device of these to walk safely for life since there are so many claims, posters and contradictory signs that we walked, often, quite disoriented, until I fell into the realize that we all have a built-in signal receiver and that from above the geostationary satellites in orbit, the appropriate signals are sent to us.
We are endowed with reason, an instrument capable of perceiving and analyzing our situation in the specific environment in which we move and the will, which has enough energy to make decisions. We also have the consciousness, which detects the existence of eternal standards of operation and warns us of dangerous deviations.
While traveling with a GPS we have to know the point of departure and the point of arrival. The same applies to our life, without falling into the account that more than ours we borrow it.
Reason and conscience are two wonderful devices that we perhaps use little and, of course, end up spoiled. Reasoning to find the truth of us and our environment, to distinguish the good from the bad, the useful from the superfluous, the healthy from the harmful, is a hard work that we give up because it is more comfortable for us to accept what they offer us in the market of ideologies , advertising, consumption, politics or the media, provided that they provide us with the greatest amount of pleasure and avoid responsibilities and concerns. Perhaps that is why we are determined supporters of the welfare state to take care of us.
Our conscience may protest our misuse of reason and will for a while, but it ends up muting especially if we bribe it by telling her that we do not believe that there is a God who asks us for accountability or that there is another life, greater and definitive, after our death.
It is shocking that there are so many people who do not believe in the possibility that there would be another life, because if they had it, even if it was doubtful, they would not stop taking their precautions. Their reason has comfortably accepted that God does not exist and to this they stick, even if they fall into the trap that they cannot "scientifically" prove their claim, while the entire universe cannot be the work of chance, for done with number, weight and measure, it is claiming a Maker. We can take into account an old couplet that says:
“In this life, good living is the key; he who is saved knows, and he who does not knows nothing.”
Even if it were only, just in case, it would be worth thinking that our point of destiny is not death, but another different and enduring life that must be saved.