Back to Christ
Going back to Christ, always, is an emergency.
Author: P. Fernando Pascual, L.C | Source:
If a Christian loses sight of his origin he can deviate and come to a way of thinking and living contrary to the true faith
The other way around, if a Christian turns his gaze and his heart to its origin, he will keep his faith alive and walk as a true disciple.
Going back to Christ, always, is an emergency. As members of his Church, as baptized, as children redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb, we need to stay close to the vine (cf. Jn 15).
In a society where thousands of messages circulate, where the pressure of uninformed media deceives, where money becomes for many in the end, we urgently need to rediscover Christ.
It's not going to be easy. The strength of the world, of the demon and the flesh, is continually felt. But we know that the Lord is much stronger, for he has vanquished sin and death.
In everyday life, the baptized one who lives in the Lord will not only overcome the trials, overcome the temptations, or rise quickly from his downfalls, but will be able to run, joyfully, through the ways of the Gospel.
We must not fear. Christ's invitation to the disciples after his Resurrection is worth to us. The world and its vanities pass (cf. 1Cor 7.31), while "who fears the Lord of nothing is afraid, and is not intimidated, because He is his hope" (If 34.14).
With our Catholic Church, with the Pope and the faithful bishops, we keep our lamps lit. We join the multitude of martyrs and saints of all ages, as We shout, joyfully, "salvation is of our God, who is seated on the throne, and of the Lamb" (Ap 7.10).