Human valuations on specific people
Those who are valued and judged often come to know what is said about them.
Author: P. Fernando Pascual, L.C | Source:

Human beings continually emit value judgments: on science, on politics, on economics, on religion, on events, on people.
Among these assessments, some are targeted at specific individuals. A relative, a friend, a co-worker, is analyzed in their qualities and flaws, in their good deeds and those considered as bad.
Human evaluations can be placed inside those who produce them, or they can be communicated at different levels. Sometimes everything remains in a dialogue between a few interlocutors. Other times, they are captured in a chat, a blog, an article, or a book.
Those who are valued and judged often come to know what is said about them. If these are praises, they surely feel more or less soothing satisfaction. If It's criticism and negative judgments, they can feel sadness or even despondency.
Faced with the phenomenon of human valuations, among other aspects, it may be good to consider two dimensions of importance: on the correction of the elaborated appraisals, and their consequences in the specific persons.
An assessment of specific persons will be more correct in so far as it can distinguish between what is seen and observed in a clear way, which is confusing or not well analyzed, and what may be the specific intentions of people involved.
Many times the valuations incur serious errors because they are not limited to the facts, but they add brushstrokes on aspects not entirely known, and even reckless judgments on what others would have thought of inside, which is highly invasive and carries easily to false conclusions.
Regarding the consequences of the valuations that come to light, sometimes cause disproportionate damage, depending on the situation and manner of being of the people tried.
Certain facts, we cannot deny it, deserve reprehensible judgments, although some may feel humiliated or hurt in their hearts. A timely correction can help more than one to retrain and undertake ways of conversion and good.
Other facts are not all tested, or deserve to be analyzed more calmly. In such cases, a hasty trial can cause more damage than one can imagine.
Controlling one's mind and the words that come out of the mouth is always part of maturity and prudence that both help in human relationships.
Therefore, before issuing valuations on people and their behaviors, it is worth examining whether one has sufficient elements to achieve valid conclusions and if exposing those ratings will cause disproportionate damage or promote The good and the justice that we so desire.