Take the risk to be saints living the Gospel of joy
The Vicar of the Inspector of the Salesian Family in Peru, priest Alejandro Arango, explained that whoever is docile to the action of the spirit learns to live in joy because learns to choose the best possible good.

To celebrate the Feast of St. Juan Bosco, founder of the Salesian Congregation and the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, the Vicar of the Inspector of the Salesian Family in Peru, priest Alejandro Arango, exhorted the youth to be saints and live the Gospel of joy.
The Vicar explained that the Gospel of joy "is the Gospel of the Passover of Jesus since Don Bosco is one of the few Saints who have been canonized on the same Sunday morning of Resurrection."
That´s why the celebration of the founder is based on "a pedagogy of optimism, of joy, that is, Christ has conquered death, Christ has conquered sin and Christ is the best teacher of human life and spiritual life", he added.
"Who is docile to the action of the spirit learns to live in joy because it learns to choose the best possible good for the scope of the freedom of each one and avoids the sin and the evil, that is presented in the horizon of the life of each one, who fights evil and seeks to do good has more than one reason to be cheerful", said the Vicar.
To commemorate on January 31 the feast of San Juan Bosco, thousands of young people from different houses in Peru where the Salesians have a presence, have participated since January 28 of many activities such as games, competitions, festivals, the prayer of the Saint Rosary, a Triduum and Eucharistic celebrations.
During the activities the young people have internalized the teachings of their founder, even more, the father said that "the concrete way of witnessing holiness is the joy that has the purpose of eternal life".
Following the example of Don Bosco, Father Arango exhorted the young: " Take the risk to be saints, there can be no sad saints in the churches, a sad saint is a sad saint, said Don Bosco, and the saint authenticates himself with the saints. challenges of the homeland of his reality ".
"We fight all forms of injustice, that will certainly advance the arrival of the kingdom with the peace we have all wagered since we received baptism", he said.
The Rector Major, Superior of the Salesian Society, Fr. Pascual Chávez Villanueva on the central day of the feast, addressed the young people of the world from the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians in Turin - Italy, and called to the reflection that "in many of Our countries God seems to have become a stranger, a person that can be dispensed with."
"Dear young people, Mary Immaculate of Help of Christians will give you the living sense of Christ, a great apostolic love to communicate the riches of your ministry, creative intelligence, and pedagogical competence to educate your friends in the faith of Christ", exhorted the Rector.
Pope Benedict XVI during the general audience on Wednesday, January 30th, invited to follow the example of St. John Bosco "Look at, dear young people, as a true master of life".
"Dearly ill, learn from your spiritual experience to always trust in Christ crucified, and dear newlyweds, come to your intersection to earnestly request your mission of husbands", said the Pope.