Why so many people believe the journalist
The causes of people´s credulity are varied.
Author: P. Fernando Pascual, L.C | Source: Catholic.net

A journalist can control whether the data is true or invent it. You Can Respect the contents of an interview or alter them. You Can Use an image to illustrate an event when that image corresponds to something very different.
The journalist who acts that way knows that many people will not control the "information", and thus give for real what is not. There will Even be other journalists from "the News" who write deep comments and full of convictions or praises.
Where does uncritical credulity come From in the face of so many pseudonoticias, manipulations, deceits, inventions of some little responsible journalists?
The causes of people's credulity are varied. The first emerges from the modern rush, coupled with a desire, sometimes frantic, to be up to date, to know the latest news.
Those who, without scruples, know this yearning to know, can "quench" the thirst for information with invented data, which will hardly be later denied. If one day they were to be denounced as false, many would not notice the deception suffered.
Another cause lies in the same haste of some journalists. If there has been an attack, giving numbers of victims is key to achieving an "exclusive", although such numbers have not been adequately monitored, if it is not reached the abuse of inventing them with more or less ingenuity…
Then it is expected that readers, listeners, spectators, create the invention precisely because they assume that they are more informed, when in fact they have been deceived dishonestly.
The third cause arises from the simple assumption of many according to which the media are serious, that television can not lie, that what was said in this or that Web page almost automatically has guarantees of veracity.
Although it is so often presumed to be critical and serious attitudes of people, especially in people with studies, the reality is that credulity still stands in millions of people who give for real what may be inaccurate, devoid of foundation, or even invented to deceive.
The credulity that leads to accepting what is stated by journalists or people who self-constituted as sources of information on social networks, chats, blogs, and related pages, needs to be cured with a good dose of common sense and a healthy critical spirit.
Of course, we must not be suspicious of everything: there is real information given to the light by Internet pages that are not famous but at least have serious journalists or writers who deserve to be heard.
But A well-dosed caution will avoid incurring the trap of deceit, and make us more attentive to assess whether or not information has minimum guarantees to be taken into account, even if a famous journalist says or appears on the front page of Important means of communication