The importance of a decision
With them I orient my life, I leave and take, build or destroy, give affection or provoke grudges.
Author: P. Fernando Pascual, L.C | Source:

I Take a pebble between my fingers. I get a glimpse of an impetuous torrent. I hesitate to throw it away or hold it. If I throw it, it'll be hard to recover. If I keep it, I can think of what to do with it in the future.
Life is much more important than a pebble. I Can throw it into a torrent of vices and selfishness. I Can take care of her and keep her to dispose of her properly.
Every option I make throws a bit of myself into the great flow of history. I Can't change the past. What I have decided marks my present and my future, what I have and what I am.
The pebble is still in my hand. I Advance and see a need. I Can put aside that stone to make myself available and help. Then I'll take it and move on. What you do or stop doing now has its importance.
On the path of human life, I need to realize the importance of every decision. What is chosen from selfishness, greed, decontrol in pleasures, hurts me deeply. What you choose from Love Beautifies the world and your soul.
Time follows his career. I Can't postpone the decisions. With them I orient my life, I leave and take, build or destroy, Siembro affection or provoke grudges.
I look again at that Pebble in my hand, fully available to my freedom. What am I going to do with him? The torrent descends swiftly, inexorably, like life. I Have to make my decision.
After my gesture, something new will begin in the world. I Ask for light to God, so that he knows how to decide wisely, guided by the most beautiful capacity we have as human beings: the one that allows us to love and embrace the love of others...