Injustices on behalf of the egalitarianism
It s problematic, even harmful, to incur the egalitarianism that it presents itself as a search for equality when, in fact, it attacks against it.
Author: P. Fernando Pascual, L.C | Source:
It Is laudable, even necessary, to respect that equality with which human beings must be treated when we recognize their intrinsic value.
It is problematic, even harmful, incurring in the egalitarianism that is presented as a search for equality when, in fact, it attacks against it.
When does that happen? When under the flag of equality a competent person is prevented from accessing a job or a public service for giving a special privilege to an unqualified person for that position.
For example, imagine the case of a particular person who could work professionally and with competence a job for the good of a transport company.
The egalitarianism would give such a job to another less competent, or even incompetent person, with the excuse of equality of sexes, or of ages, or races, or languages, or nationalities, or other more or less variable criteria.
A society works according to justice when it treats equals as equals and when it recognizes that there are inequalities (of age, of competence, of skills) that are part of life and that do not imply any injustice.
Certainly, if a society, for years, has prevented access to jobs to some people for having certain characteristics that should not be considered when hiring them, you have to look for how to overcome this situation of injustice.
But even in the face of these situations, it is not lawful to put aside the competent people to promote people who do not yet have the necessary aptitude to do concrete work.
It is important to avoid any kind of injustice in the name of arbitrary egalitarianism; As we must also avoid any injustice based on criteria that lead to marginalizing or excluding those who have skills with which they deserve access to jobs or management for a better service of society.