Ideas and realizations.
Author: P. Fernando Pascual, L.C | Source:

Different projects are passed Through our minds. Some about very simple things: put an order in the cupboard and the bookcase. Others on more complex issues: organizing concrete ways to be more efficient in the workplace.
Some of these projects do not reach port. They Remain as ideas, good wishes, interesting plans. Why don't we make them? Because They do not convince us at all, or because we are afraid of failure, or because they cross many other ideas and desires easier to realize.
It helps a lot to stop for a moment to see what ideas become realizations and what ideas are parked for days, months, or even years in the famous notebook (or folder) of "outstanding issues”.
Already Aristotle had realized that it is not enough to know something to carry it out. A doctor who knows very well his specialty can sometimes stop caring for patients to prefer a quieter life.
He also recognized that many desires are not brought into practice either. We would like, for example, to eat in abundance but good advice and a little prudence slow our appetite and allow us to reduce the quantity and improve the diet.
Ideas and desires come together In concrete realizations. If everything was well thought out if there is a healthy will if what we wanted being apt to help oneself and others, we'll discover the benefits of those realizations.
Instead, if ideas were bad or wrong, or if we subject our minds to selfish desires, to sin-oriented passions, our realizations will cause harm, injury, oneself, and others.
Ideas and desires come together In concrete realizations. If everything was well thought out if there is a healthy will if what we wanted being apt to help oneself and others, we'll discover the benefits of those realizations.
Instead, if ideas were bad or wrong, or if we subject our minds to selfish desires, to sin-oriented passions, our realizations will cause harm, injury, oneself, and others.