Time as a gift from God
Do we know how to use it?
Author: P. Fernando Pascual, L.C | Source: Catholic.net

Among the gifts that God gives us one has an extraordinary value: time. But We don't always know how to use it properly.
Because We're wasting our time with the famous hoax that we'll find a "later" to do this or that.
Or because we do not value it well because of the fear of failure, the thousand setbacks that can arise at any time.
Or because we live anchored in the past, as we mourn what we did not do or regret what we did wrong.
If we fall into those or other mistakes, we do not pay attention to the wonderful present that we now have in our hands.
A 14TH-century writer explained the importance of time with these words:
"Therefore, he is attentive to the time and manner of employing him. Nothing's more precious. This is obvious if you realize that in a short moment you can win or lose the sky. God, Master of time, never gives the future. It Only gives the present, moment by moment, because this is the law of the created order. And God does not contradict himself in his creation "(Anonymous Author," The cloud of Not knowing ", chap. 4).
"God gives the present." It's a wonderful gift. The author continues with the following reflection:
"Time is for man, not man for the time. God, the Lord of nature, will never anticipate the decisions of man that happen, one after another, in time. Man will have no possible excuse in the final judgment by saying to God, ' You overwhelmed Me with the future when I was only able to live in the present. ' “
God does not overwhelm us with the future. It invites Us to take the gift of the present, to ask for light to understand how good we can now realize, and forced to carry it out.
In this way, we will live according to the teaching of Christ: Not to worry about tomorrow, but to seize the present, with total trust in the Father and with the commitment to seek the Kingdom of God and his righteousness (cf. Mt 6,25-34).