Mental Unlocking
There are things that are solved like this: with a different look, with a little imagination, with greater openness of mind.
Author: P. Fernando Pascual, L.C | Source:

We got to the door. The key goes in. We turn it over and over again to the left. The door doesn't open.
We call and ask. The answer comes soft, discreet, with the desire not to offend: "Have You tried turning the key to the other side?”
Some things are solved like this: with a different look, with a little imagination, with greater openness of mind.
What happens is that many mental blockages, by laziness, acquired customs, to think that nothing can change, prevent us from seeing other possibilities to resolve certain situations.
We call and ask. The answer comes soft, discreet, with the desire not to offend: "Have You tried turning the key to the other side?”
It Does Not always work by turning the key to the other side. There Are cases where we have to call the locksmith or a neighbor who has amazing skills.
But In many other cases, we need a good dose of mental unlocking so as not to get stuck in front of an obstacle that has an easy solution.
The mental unlocking allows us to discover that there was time to clean the house, that it was possible to write to a family member so far left aside, that we had energies to help a friend the days of his illness.
The human being has a surprising mental and imaginative opening. Maybe, to wake her up, we need a little less laziness, a little more reflection, a simple phone call to someone who unlocks us.
Then there will be an answer as simple as "turn the key to the other side". And, like an updated "Eureka", will open before our eyes and our minds New Horizons that allow us to advance, with joy and hope, towards new possibilities of good and beauty.