A love that gives meaning to everything
The love that never fails, that seeks, that cures, that propels the good, springs from the heart of God.

To be born and to die. Two moments that mark each personal story. Among those moments, a thousand encounters, successes, failures, joys, and joys.
The route is always somewhat uncertain. Don't know what will happen in the next few hours. Everything is pending unstable equilibrium.
Despite so much uncertainty, there is a Love that gives meaning to everything. Because we each receive love, and each one is called to love.
The Love that never fails, that seeks, that cures, that propels the good, springs from the heart of God.
Is God who founded our existence. It Is God who awaits us after death. It Is God who invites every son to enter the Fatherland of heaven.
That love that gives meaning to everything comes from the Father and begets the Son. Between the Father and the Son, Love unites as the Holy Spirit.
Then, that love melts the great prodigy of Creation, in which angels and stars, planets and satellites, plants and animals appear.
That love thought of the human being, in each and everyone, and offered a thousand signs to Reconociésemos the Goodness and Beauty of the Father.
That Love did not stop at sin. That is Why the Son, with the power of the Holy Spirit, became incarnate in the Virgin Mary (cf. Lc 1,26-38).
Like every day of my journey, Love touches the doors of my soul and offers me comfort, strength, mercy, and peace.
From that Love also I can become "Ambassador of Christ" (cf. 2Cor 5.20), which offers free what I have received free (cf. Mt 10.8).
"And We have known the love that God has for us, and we have believed in Him. God is Love and one who remains in love remains in God and God in Him and animals. "(1Jn 4.16).
Love thought of the human being, in each and everyone, and offered a thousand signs to Reconociésemos the Goodness and Beauty of the Father.
That Love did not stop at sin. That is Why the Son, with the power of the Holy Spirit, became incarnate in the Virgin Mary (cf. Lc 1,26-38).
Like every day of my journey, Love touches the doors of my soul and offers me comfort, strength, mercy, and peace.
From that Love also I can become "Ambassador of Christ" (cf. 2Cor 5.20), which offers free what I have received free (cf. Mt 10.8).
"And We have known the love that God has for us, and we have believed in Him. God is Love and one who remains in love remains in God and God in Him "(1Jn 4.16).