Health as a gift to give
Because health is a wonderful gift that I receive to give to others.
Author: P. Fernando Pascual, L.C | Source:

Being healthy is not easy. An infection, an airstream, an inadequate meal, an allergy, is Enough to start the problems.
So, when health shines in good times, there are wonderful opportunities to deliver more fully to others will not always be perfect health, but enough for us to start coming out of ourselves to love and serve.
What good can I do now? What duties can I fulfill? Who can I help? How can I take advantage of the energy I have available?
To value Health as a gift we recognize that it is not deserved. Millions of human beings are crippled by diseases, some terrible.
So when I wake up and enjoy a new day, I can thank God for this great gift and start using it in the best possible way: giving me.
Maybe Tomorrow the forces will start to fail, the pains become more annoying, a virus limits my possibilities. The health of now becomes a treasure that I can invest to benefit others.
When You lose your health (that moment arrives sooner or later), God will give me other ways of giving, with prayer, patience, smile to those who help me.
As Long As He has it, or after recovering it after an illness surpassed, I will ask for light to God so that it knows to take advantage of so many good works. Because Health is a wonderful gift that I receive to give to others...