
Purity, conquest, and Gift
The whole history of mankind is the story of the need to love and to be loved the heart is the opening of all the beings to the existence of others.

Chastity is not a matter of repression of sexual feelings and temptations but successful integration of the gift of sexuality within the entire person. Sexually explicit content in blogs, messages, and photos on social websites is also another of the ways that violate chastity. Pornography defaming the intimacy of the marital act and insults the dignity of those who see it and participate.

Many young people have the illusion of having a large family because they see how well they have spent it with their brothers, but at the time of temptation they give up without a further struggle and without thinking that they can become parents... They can deny their paternity and make women abort, to loneliness or to be hurt in their affections. It is, therefore, best to avoid the occasion.

Purity is a conquest of God in us. Pope Benedict XVI, addressing the subject of chastity, writes: "The less faith there is, the more falls there will be."

The purity of the heart determines the depth of the other virtues of the person. Purity is soul finesse, the elegance of spirit, the delicacy of sentiment, selection, elite. "Voluntary continence," says Alexis Carrel, realizes and values life more than any other moral or physical effort.

The cure of Ars says: "Purity comes from heaven; we have to ask God. If we ask for it, we'll get it. There is nothing more beautiful than a pure soul! If you understand it, we could not lose the purity ... We must close our hearts to pride, sensuality and all other passions ... Children, we cannot comprehend the power that a clean soul has over God: She gets everything she wants from him ... To preserve purity there are three things: the presence of God, prayer and the Sacraments ... When innocence has been preserved, we feel carried by the love of God, as the eagle is carried by its wings. "

Then he says later: "A pure soul is like a beautiful pearl. While it is hidden in a shell, at the bottom of the sea, nobody thinks to admire it. But if you show it to the sun, it shines and attracts the glances. So it is with the pure soul, which is hidden in the eyes of the world, but one day it will shine before the angels, in the sun of eternity. "

Believe the sinner who, once committed sin, is all over; and it's not like that. The Guilty Act has ended, but its consequences remain. Our nerve centers are like an impressionable plaque that keeps a footprint. That is why a certain person can pose a danger and others do not.

Ana Catalina Emmerick writes: "Everything that man thinks, says and does has some life and continues to live as a good or bad work. The bad must be remedied with confession and penance; otherwise, they will continue the consequences of sin without the term". (Tome X, 478, N. 45).

The Lord tells us. "With everlasting love, I loved you" (Jeremiah XXXI, 3). Who can say that?... The Lord doesn't want things from you, he loves you.
Last words of Jacinta, the little shepherd of Fatima:

The sins that bring more souls to hell are the sins of the flesh.

There will be fashions that will offend Our Lord a lot.

If men knew what eternity is, they would do everything to change their lives.

Men are lost because they do not think about the death of Our Lord and do not do penance.

Many marriages are not good, they do not please Our Lord.


Why do you live the purity? Because the pure ones will see God because I want to see the face of God. And not only in the other life but in this one. Purity goes hand in hand with humility.

John Paul II says that purity is not only to refrain from impurity, that is, temperance, but at the same time also opens a path to an increasingly perfect discovery of the dignity of the body. (Enchiridion F, IV, p. 3082).

Then, John Paul II said in France: The whole history of mankind is the story of the need to love and be loved... the heart is the opening of all the beings to the existence of others, the ability to guess them, to understand them. Such sensitivity, authentic and profound, makes them vulnerable. That is why some are tempted to get rid of it, shutting themselves down... Young people of France: Raise your eyes more frequently to Jesus Christ! He is the man who has loved most, in the most conscious, more voluntary, more gratuitous way... Behold the man-God, the man of the heart pierced! Don't be afraid! Jesus did not come to condemn love, but to release the love of his misunderstandings and counterfeits. Was he who transformed the heart of Zacchaeus, the Samaritan Woman, and who, today, still, all over the world, have similar conversions. I imagine that tonight, Christ murmurs to every one of you: "Give me, my son, your heart!" I will purify it, I will strengthen it, I will orient it to those who need it: your own family, your community, your social environment... Love demands to be shared". 

Without God, the man loses the key to himself, loses the key to his story. Because, since creation, it carries in itself the likeness of God (NN. 5 and 6).
Jacques Maritain said: "Education should teach us to live always in love, and what we have to fall in love with". To finish, let us remember what Saint John Bosco taught: that the virtue that shines the most in paradise is purity.

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