Hidden battle
Pornography, the drug of the 21ST century.

About 1500 young people from the country gathered at Anahuac University North where they took place the 3rd congress "Hidden Battle", to analyze the impact of pornography in modern society.
According to Valeria De Alba Vázquez, one of the organizers of the event, the great conclusion of the Congress is that it can be noted pornography as the drug of the 21ST century.
It is, said Valeria, of a growing reality; every second more than 28000 people start the visit a pornographic site and the sites have more than 10 billion visits per month.
According to data presented in the Congress “The Hidden Battle”, the average age of the first contact with pornography is 11 years, which in the long and medium-term has repercussions such as marital and professional failure in some cases, given that 1 out of three Consumers of pornography, loses their job and 40 of every 100 ends up divorcing.
HB's mission is to collaborate with a free civilization that changes people's gaze, helping to see what is worth the human being. "The greatest danger of pornography is not what you see, but what you don't see", said one of the speakers during the event.
It is very possible that if you decrease the consumption of this drug can considerably decrease the crimes of sexual violence against women, which have so much increased in our country, said one of the organizers.
De Alba Vázquez, said that HB is betting on dignity, the love of truth, to see the person as such and not as an object. "Here we still believe that well-understood chastity is a gift and we want to share it", she warned.
"Certainly now more than ever we must reorient the looks to the most beautiful thing we have that is the human being as a gift. In such a way that we can contribute our bit in the life of the people who crossed through the doors of the central esplanade of the Anahuac, in their future relationships and satisfactorily in their families".
She added, that the participants of the Hidden Battle have discovered how pornography was increasingly entering people's lives and the serious damage they have caused in families and relationships.
So, Valeria De Alba said, we have decided to raise our voices and bring the message to other young people and families to unite in the same cause; choose true love.
Also, vice president of Hidden Battle Mexico invited Mexican youth to get on this boat and work together to make this third edition of congress go very far and inspire a spirit of struggle in the hidden battles of everyone appealing to the name of our organization.
To this 3rd International congress, Hidden Battle Mexico came together Ale Diener, who explained how pornography has become the drug of the 21ST century, as well as its effects.
Among those present, the singer Alexander Acha, spoke about the benefits of the experience of chastity, from his personal experiences.