Free sex?
This book will help you to clarify doubts that young people sometimes have in our minds and that are fed with erroneous ideas that we hear in society.
Source: Martha, 17, Contributor to Option V.

Free Sex is a book with themes of the youth, from the quick romances to the intimate caresses, that gives you punctual and scientific data on how to find true love, strengthening your sexual dignity and making practical decisions. This book will help you to clarify doubts that young people sometimes have in our minds and that are fed with erroneous ideas that we hear in society. To me, particularly, has taught me enough not to get carried away by emotions, but by reason, to think more before acting.
In most cases, the information books are a bit heavy to read; however, Carlos Cuauhtemoc Sánchez, makes us pleasant his book accompanied by a variety of drawings, examples, and testimonies that will make you understand and enjoy more reading. He even shared with us a letter that his girlfriend (now wife) wrote to him when he proposed to him to live without having married before: she gave him a great lesson from which we too can learn.
After reading it I can tell you:
Do not hesitate to read it too! as well as helping us to know and learn all that refers to our sexuality, presents values that will do us good and bring us closer to the happiness we are looking for. Let's take those decisions that, although they seem simple and insignificant, can make a big difference in our lives.
One example: how many times have we heard about relationships where there is no commitment or interest in the welfare of the other person? They say "I love you" without even feeling it and for the sole purpose of "getting" to satisfy each other for a moment; we idealize the person we want or think is the meaning of our life. We cannot pretend to have a stable and happy courtship where our body is the one who has fallen in love with the other. We have to be clear that we are not only our physicist but also our mind and spirit, which we often neglect, allowing them to be filled with impurities and superficialities. That's why the relationships in which the body reigns end up being a disappointment because in them everything becomes ephemeral.
Another great teaching we found is this:
We should stop looking to be admired by our bodies and start looking for the person who admires us for what is in our hearts. The person who does it will be the one who values us, and the one who stays with us over the years: "The skin is wrinkled, the hair turns white, the days become years, but the important thing does not change, your strength and your conviction are not old."
Moreover, we have heard that in every loving relationship there are problems. However, an important lesson that I have learned from reading this book is that not because in many cases disappointments, great fights, offenses or resentments, means that it is something "normal" or that should be let go. On the contrary, the relationship with your partner should help them grow over time, to grow love, mutual help, and respect. In a healthy relationship both have to always look for the good for the other person, they must learn to be better each day and achieve together each one of their goals.
It is also important that each one feels free to be oneself, without failing to be two. Carlos Cuauhtémoc Sánchez teaches us that in a constructive courtship there are no jealousy, fears, threats, much less physical and psychological abuse; but trust, tolerance, understanding and, especially, love.
The previous friendship in a relationship is undoubtedly fundamental because with a true friend you can talk about different issues, from the funniest to the most serious and deep, without fear of being judged or criticized; there is unique transparency; there are no fears, no pretenses, no nerves. It is impossible that without having formed and strengthened friendship with your partner, they can become a stable relationship. So let's not move forward to live stages that still do not correspond. Let's be patient! Everything difficult arrives, hardly leaves. It will be worthwhile or, rather, the joy of waiting to live true love.
I also learned that if we feel very far from finding the right person to share our life with, we should not be frustrated, let alone think that it will never come. We should not be in a hurry, as the quality is better than quantity. If we are with anyone who crosses us on the road, we will end up hurting our dignity, self-esteem, and feelings. Why hurt the want to give our love to someone who does not deserve it or is not for us? If your vocation is to marriage, be assured that somewhere in the world that person exists and that at the right time you will find it. Just leave your heart in the hands of God and He will put it in the hands of those who deserve it.
Another great lesson that the author gives us is this: we should never choose to try the "free" in the waiting time or think that, for the moment, there is nothing wrong with living it. The "free" is when two people decide to have physical contact, whether kissing, stroking or even having sex without commitment or, much less, love. It is here when we should ask ourselves if that works for us; if in truth it is what we yearn to live; if we believe that we will find true love; if we are valuing ourselves, wanting and respecting. Let's not fool ourselves. As Carlos Cuauhtemoc Sanchez says: "Sexual adventures have a price. They are seals of intimacy that produce obligations and sometimes they are paid expensive". He also tells us the testimony of a young man, who by living the "free" experienced huge and desperate loneliness:
"I know that I am the envy of those who know me because they think my life is fantastic, totally free; but I honestly confess that I hate her. I am irritated with myself, I feel crushed, disappointed, frustrated; guilt chokes me; the yearning to vindicate me has made me pull my hair and scream in front of the mirror: "enough. What am I doing? I feel miserable. I can't go on like this! "
This Is one of the reasons why having a sexually "free" life can lead to self-esteem and shattered dignity. Everything has consequences! "frees", whatever their origins, have a high cost to us. We better fight, from now on, for being faithful to our spouse since before we met him so that when we are finally married to him (she) we can say firmly: "I loved You forever." And if you think "it's too late for me", it's not too late to get up; be sure you can do it!
Carlos Cuauhtemoc Sánchez also speaks about the stages of dating, such as infatuation, where the previous friendship is strengthened; of orgasm in women and men; of masturbation and pornography; of homosexuality; STDS, such as human papilloma and HIV; of pregnancy at an early age; etc. "Free sex" is, therefore, without a doubt, a complete book. Dedicating a little time of your day to this will be worth a lot. It's not one anyone, because there are summarized all the answers to the questions that we always do in our interior or maybe we should do to start thinking about our lives.
Let Carlos Cuauhtémoc Sanchez come to you. You won't regret it! I chose to do it; and now I am very grateful to him, for he has strengthened my decision to live chastity, loving with pure love, for it is the only way to find true love and to be truly happy.