Discomfort and salvations
What´s bothering you?
Author: P. Fernando Pascual, L.C | Source: Catholic.net

Thousands, millions of people feel uneasiness. Because It's too hot or too cold. Because The neighbor upstairs puts the music at full volume. Because A family member did not answer an urgent message from WhatsApp. Because a molar gives signs of poor health.
The list of situations or facts that cause discomfort is enormous. Some things seem unimportant, even if they produce some sadness. Others are really serious, and we don't always find ways to solve them.
In many cases, we want to overcome the cause of the discomfort, find ways to cure pain or overcome a situation of injustice. But a wall of hardship seems to deny space to hope.
Then the question arises: Is it necessary to resign itself to certain facts? Do we Have to learn to live with dislikes that are prolonged in time? The answers can be many. From a stoicism that helps to resign oneself to what is seen as inevitable until a rebellious attitude that fights passionately for fixing things.
We note, however, that some phenomena that cause discomfort have no way out. Among them, according to a thinker of the past, those "dramas" that so far seem undeletable: death and taxation…
There Is, however, a possibility of complete salvation offered to all and able to overcome even the most dramatic situations: that which comes from an omnipotent and good God, capable of healing wounds, forgiving sins, amending injustices, beating death.
Only if God is interested in the human being and with sufficient power to save us from evil and death will it be possible to ignite hope and comfort the afflicted.
In a world where uneasiness dominates so many hearts, where tears accompany punctual or long moments of one's own life or the life of loved ones, the gaze of the heart toward God opens hope and encourages in the struggle.
If we also note that God has already intervened in history by sending us to his Son, and if that Son took our evils to destroy them on the Cross and in the Resurrection, then life has a full sense.
After the coming of Christ into the world, no evil cannot be cured: His salvation is offered to all. That is Why we have the decisive reason to fight for the good and trust in his final victory.