God and the world created
Where does the desire to live in an improved world come from?
Author: P. Fernando Pascual, L.C | Source: Catholic.net

The ills and "flaws" that many find in the world would seem to put serious difficulties in admitting the existence of God.
If God exists, they tell us some, it would be good and intelligent. So why didn't he make a world without so much pain, without so many injustices, without so many imperfections?
The question leads others to deny that GOD exists: the defective situation in the world we live in would not be compatible with God's acceptance as a real person.
Thinking This way is linked to a series of budgets that generate new questions and not a few difficulties.
The First Budget is to assume that we know how the world should be to achieve a certain level of perfection and avoid so many flaws.
The second is more problematic: to imagine that if the world had been made according to human intelligence it would have been much more perfect.
The Two budgets, however, collide strongly with experience and history. Because men are not as intelligent as we would like; And because many times we act in an unjust, arbitrary, even evil way.
So Where does the desire to live in an improved world come from? Why aren't we happy with what's around us?
The second is more problematic: to imagine that if the world had been made according to human intelligence it would have been much more perfect.
The Two budgets, however, collide strongly with experience and history. Because men are not as intelligent as we would like; And because many times we act in an unjust, arbitrary, even evil way.
So where does the desire to live in an improved world come from? Why aren't we happy with what's around us?
Some will say that these are personal tastes. Others, for different reasons, would embrace the world as it is, as if it were absurd to accuse it of imperfections.
This second response would allow us to assume that the world is compatible with the existence of God because we could not reproach him for an imperfection that would not be a cause for scandal.
The issue is complex and there are different ways to deal with it. What is clear is that God not only helps to understand the origin of the world in his thousands of articulations, but also allows us to find a foundation for our intelligence and our ability to love, faculties that are oriented towards the search for the Perfection and the good we desire in the innermost part of our hearts.