Five keys to the Christian life
An interesting work by Jesús de las Heras Muela, which can be used to reflect on our Christian attitude, according to Pope Francis.

What are the priorities of Christians and the mission of the Church for the Holy Father Francis?
Behold, in five features, in five keys, the master lines of his magisterium and pastoral style.
1.- Newness, the constant novelty of the Gospel and the condition of being Christians:
It is a question of not getting used to, of not accommodating, of not settling in the faith of living room or facade, easy, comfortable, accommodative, tired, sleepy, bourgeois, without evangelizing nerve, without the capacity for wonder, without effective and affective openness to the providence, without the demand for permanent conversion, of novelty as a Christian lifestyle, Pope Francis has already spoken in his homily of the Easter Vigil of last Holy Saturday night, March 30th. And in his homily of The Pentecost Mass, on Sunday, May 19, Francis stated that "novelty always gives us a little fear, because we feel safer if we have everything under control, if we are the ones who build, program, plan our life, according to our schemes, assurances, tastes. And this also happens to us with God. We often follow it, we welcome it, but to a certain extent; We find it difficult to abandon ourselves to Him with total confidence, letting the Holy Ghost encourage, guide our lives, in all decisions; we are afraid that God will lead us on new paths, take us out of our often limited, closed, selfish horizons to open ourselves to his own".
And after proposing some biblical examples of how different believers were open to the novelty of God, Pope Francis stressed that this, that "the novelty that God brings into our lives is what truly does us, what gives us true joy, true serenity because God loves us and always wants our good. Let us ask ourselves: Are we open to "God's surprises"? Or do we lock ourselves, in fear, to the novelty of the Holy Spirit? Are we determined to walk the new paths that God's novelty presents to us or are we entrenched in deciduous structures, which have lost their capacity to respond?"
2.- Awareness of vocation: It is not just about the priestly vocation or the consecrated life.
It is about the vocation, in short, to life through its various states. These ideas illustrate the following excerpt from the Pope's address to the religious belonging to the International Union of Superiors General, whom he received on Wednesday, May 8. "Jesus, at the Last Supper, addresses the Apostles with these words: "It is not you who have chosen me, it is I who have chosen you" (Jn 15:16), who reminds us all, and not just us priests, that vocation is always an initiative of God.
This awareness of the Christian vocation, the vocation of each Of the Christians, has been translated into follow-up, worship, and service. Francisco wrote on his Twitter account on May 7: "Let's not be content with a mediocre Christian life. Let us move decisively towards holiness." And on May 16, also on Twitter, he wrote this message: "We cannot be Christians for moments. Let us seek to live our faith in every moment, every day."