
Motives of human philosophizing
As human beings, we cannot not philosophize

Author: P. Fernando Pascual, L. | Source:

Why do human beings philosophize? What brings us to questions that go beyond the immediate, the measurable, which is affordable to the eyes and hands? 

The answers may be different. Some of them serve to bring us closer to that human experience that we call philosophy. 

First of all, men philosophize because we need to know why to live and how to become really good in the various circumstances of life.


Secondly, because we have in our interior an insatiable thirst for truth, which is not content with half-answers, with changeable opinions, with misleading prejudices. 

in third place, because we recognize how harmful to live in an unbridled way without knowing where we come from or where we are going. That can only lead to absurdity and despair.


Fourthly, because we are not blindly free. We must respond to our actions before one's conscience, to others and to God, and it is worthwhile to find valid criteria to help us make good decisions.


Fifthly, because we need to find answers to the great problems of life: evil, pain and death. They are not abstract problems, but they continually touch us, from close (in our own flesh) and from what we observe in others.


Sixth, because we need to find the meaning of one's life. Behind each philosophy there is an appraisal, a sense that is given to existence. That sense pervades all our actions, and explains our way of living in society, of treating others, of considering ourselves.


As human beings, we cannot not philosophize. It is something that is part of our way of thinking and living, because we want our life to be good. Which implies knowing its meaning, discovering its relationship with God, and assuming it responsibly and with hope



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