When God Heals the Wounds
Author: P. Fernando Pascual, L.C | Source: Catholic.net

Every sin leaves its wounds. In oneself can be seeing one’s weaknesses, the triumph of selfishness, the weakness in the face of a passion that could have been controlled. In others, the sin involves an infidelity in one's marriage, or an offense to parents or children, or an injustice to people in need.
The wounds are there. You can't undo what's already done and there are no ways to nullify the damage done to yourself and others.
However, God, with his mercy, can heal these wounds. Without erasing the past, it offers the heart the balm of forgiveness. Peace that is born of a good confession and with it, the possibility of a profound change of life.
Then the miracle occurs. God welcomes the sinner and receives him with the sacrament of penance, purifies him and repeats the words addressed to the adulteress: I do not comfort you, go away and do not sin again (cf. Jn 8:1-11).
Whenever we feel sorrow for our faults, we need to turn to the Father through His Son, and invoke that healing forgiveness.
The traces of a sin that we cannot erase will be like scars. Above all, there will be in our souls the sign of something far greater than evil, than sin, and death: the embrace of a merciful Father who welcomes every child in need of mercy.