
Worthwhile Risks
Time does not stop.

Author: P. Fernando Pascual, L.C | Source:

Some texts on the Internet can be risky, of course, it's about risking for the good, the truth, and the justice in a timely manner.

The important thing is to recognize that we are not called to an easy life. There are times where everything seems simple and under control. But there are other times that change is so fast that risks are present and threatening.

Among those changes we find those that arise from our decisions. If you opt for the easy and comfortable, you will surely make little risks.

But to live for the easy and to put aside the healthy and noble risks, is it not to lose much of the good that each one can do for others?

Faced with the different crossroads of life, the generous heart is ready for difficult steps when it sees that it can set in motion paths of improvement.

Then you take worthwhile risks it is necessary to assess whether a new project is affordable, and whether it will lead to valid results without disproportionate damage.

So before assuming a risky challenge, the virtue of prudence allows us to see the situation as a whole and to have the right perspective.

Then, it will be love that will make you leave harmful comforts, and risking yourself to help others, whether they’re near or far away.

So we ask God to grant us light to identify what good choices we have before us, and that we spread a generous love.

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