
In the Middle of Passover
Because there's easter makes sense life.

Author: P. Fernando Pascual, L.C | Source:

Easter means redemption, joy, certainty, love and hope. 

The sacraments are born at the center of the Passover, with the first of them being baptism, which binds us to Christ, who died and resurrected triumphantly.

Forgiveness of sins also has its origin in Easter: it is the Risen Christ who sends his disciples to spread that forgiveness among men. 

Because there is Easter, life makes sense; we have the strengths to face problems and endure suffering. 

Easter, therefore, becomes the center of our faith, the foundation of our love, the strength before the trials of every day (cf. 1 Cor 15). 

We are called to embody that Passover in our concrete existence. Only if we participate in the death of Christ we can one day resurrect with him (cf. 2Tm 2.11). 

The grave is empty, the banquet of Heaven is ready. Jesus is waiting for us. Son of the Father and son of Mary, as he accompanies us every moment throughout human history.

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