Let's Celebrate That We Have a Mother
Author: Mónica Muñoz Jiménez | Source: Catholic.net

May 10th is a date that cannot go by, even if many people thinks is a pretext of the merchants to obtain great profits, because, as somehow we all feel the need to thank God for giving us to our mother, we look for ways to make our love clear.
It does not matter the relationship we can have with her, because it is true that it is not always possible to get along with all people, including her, however, she is the most important woman in the life of any human being, not only in her early years but throughout its existence because no one but her remains aware of her children, regardless of their age or marital status.
Personally, I must confess that I usually tell mine that she cares too much for her children, something that any mother can understand, because all the time she is thinking about each one and their situation, their couple and children and she spends that will do to bring them all together and make them feel good.
I definitely could not think of everything she invents because she is an innate event organizer, be it parties or vacations, she manages to reach the budget and everything is beautiful and to the taste of each guest. Think of every detail so that your family is happy and that makes you happy. No, I could not match it for a simple reason: I am not a mother.
Only a mother is able to give without measure, to sacrifice her own dreams so that her children reach theirs, to think first of others and then of her, if there is time. Of course, that maternal instinct is asleep while the woman does not get pregnant, but many times, it is not necessary to take that step because women usually feel that they must protect the weakest and helpless.
Or at least, that should happen, because I think we have all seen with horror that some media outlets give news that they would not have thought of more than a scriptwriter of horror movies, like that of that woman who was in prison 30 years for killing his three children. Obviously, it is a mentally ill person; I refuse to believe that someone in his or her right mind is able to hurt a child. Nevertheless, in this broken world everything is already possible.
That is why I think it is necessary to educate the new generations well about the value of life. It is very important that it is clear that there is nothing more valuable and that it is a gift, no one should attempt against it because it does not belong to it. If our children learn this from an early age, many problems will have solution, since the principle of respect and all other values are closely link with that of life, which in each case is unique and unrepeatable. There is no human being equal to another, even if where identical twins, everyone has their own identity and is worthy and valuable because they exist.
Therefore, when we forget that life must be care of, protected because it is fragile, and cannot be replace with another, conflicts come. He who attempts against life will not be clear to see any other value because they will no longer matter. If not, let's think for a moment: someone who dares to hit another, is threatening the life of that neighbor, ignoring that he deserves the same respect as him, who has the same rights as him, who feels like him, who He has a family and they care about what happens to him, just as it happens to him, ignoring all justice with his behavior. And what is worse, he is opening the door for someone else to do it to him, thus unleashing violence with all that entails. That is what we live today. Moreover, the situation worsens when death is cause.
Thus, remember that it is in our house where good men and women are formed, with the father's word and example, of course, but that of a mother will always be endearing, because of the closeness she has had with her children from the belly A son must take care of himself and be molded to be the pride of his family, I do not mean that he is perfect, because nobody is, but when parents do their job, it shows in the behavior of the children.
Finally, I return to the idea with which I began these reflections: when approaching May 10, we thank God for giving us to our mother, because regardless of the circumstances in which this relationship has occurred, it is a fundamental part of ourselves and without it we would not be here, so let's celebrate it if we still have it with us, and if it is no longer so, let's not stop remembering it and dedicating it to a prayer, because it is certain that it continues to watch over your children.
May God bless all the mothers in the world.
Have a great week and happy mother’s day