A Prayer for Dad
Author: ACI Press | Source: Catholic.net

As part of Father's Day celebrated in many countries this month, the Information System of the Archdiocese of Mexico (SIAME) presents a prayer to thank God the Father and entrust it to our father on earth.
Here are the steps to recite the prayer.
1. Start with the sign of the cross
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
2. Thank God
Heavenly Father, we have gathered here to praise you and thank you for granting us to be your children, your love and everything you give us.
Whoever wants to can say out loud what he or she gives thanks to God the Father and we all respond: 'We praise and thank you, our Father'.
(They can thank the Father for life, Creation, father qualities, blessings received ...).
3. Read a biblical passage
Then one proclaims the text of Eph 3: 14-21; at the end he says: 'Word of God', and the rest of the people keep a brief moment of silence to reflect on what has been heard.
4. Present intentions
Whoever directs the session invites those present to entrust their intentions to the Father:
Father Provident, we entrust you with our needs. (Whoever wishes may make his request to the Father and we all say: 'Good Father, listen to us')
(They can ask for dad - alive or deceased - for unity in families, for the Church, for peace in Mexico and in the world ...).
5. Continue with this prayer
Let us pray: Heavenly Father, who created us with eternal love and you have us in the palm of Your hand, help us to correspond living as Your children, trusting in Your loving Providence, loving as you love us, forgiving as you forgive us, orienting and reorienting our steps, to guide us to Your encounter to enjoy forever Your embrace. We ask this for your Son Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
6. Invite to pray the Our Father
With joy and gratitude for knowing we are children of the Father, we turn to Him with the prayer that Jesus taught us (if you like you can pray it holding hands). Our father…
7. Invite to pray the Hail Mary
We also entrust our Mother of Heaven, daughter of God the Father, to intercede for us before Him. Hail Mary ...
8. The Glory
Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit ...
9. The sign of the cross
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy