Fatima, embroidering love
I want to tell everyone that I'm going to be a Grandmother!
Author: María Teresa González Maciel | Source: Catholic.net

Fatima, embroidering love
I want to tell everyone that I'm going to be a Grandmother!
The gift so longed for arrived.
The prayer of my daughter before the Virgin of Fatima in its 100 years of its appearance:
"My mother, I want to make a deal with you," or you take away the desire to have a child or give it to me. "
After four and a half years of marriage, with a great maternal sense and dreaming to be a mother since she was a child.
The promise included her name if she was a girl. As a woman of my word, my granddaughter will bear the beautiful name of Fatima.
Before this news, which will come to an end, in late June, early July, I want to tell everyone I'm going to be a grandmother. I do not believe that
I met a friend and I convey my joy, to which she replies to me to knit. Oops, it's not my fort. Then I decided to embroider writing for you.
My little one, when I heard the news, the first thing I did was go to the Blessed Sacrament, I thanked him for the gift and took the opportunity to put into his heart and that of Mary this life that is growing day by day.
And I imagine you, I dream you, and I follow you, I see you with your parents, bathed in love, with so much affection. And I hear your steps and I hear your laughter, and I fill your face with many caresses, with kisses and hugs, with all my love.
Small, tiny, infinite tenderness that God gives us as a caress.
My prayer begins and ends by asking, after thanking.
Live the dream that God has dreamed, follow your steps to the one who has formed you, the one who has dreamed you, the one who sustains you, the one who loves you the most, who will laugh with you, and expand your wings to open your flight towards goals high and will hold you in the arduous hours.
My precious child you already listen and you perceive the mood of your holy mother, her joy, her tears, the days that pass ... And also the voice of your beloved father, who joyfully comes to say words, to plan the way to forge your character, to play with you, to broaden your soul, to feel your hands shake theirs, to tighten the bonds that unite their souls.
And what to tell you about your grandparents, great-grandparents and your uncles who wait to listen to your steps, see your new gesture, treasure beautiful moments of touching your face, enjoy your smile and fill that beautiful face with hugs.
My beloved Fatima .. We wait for you with all the longing
Your grandmother María Teresa