
Can I compose this man?
If you trust in your God, He will give you the requests of your heart much sooner than you imagine

Can I really compose this man? The answer is no. As much as you try to change your husband as a wife, you will not succeed.

Author: Maleni Ramírez | Source: ACC ?? Catholic Content Agency

Can I compose this man?
If you trust in your God, He will give you the requests of your heart much sooner than you imagine
By: Maleni Ramírez | Source: ACC ?? Catholic Content Agency

Have your delights in Yahweh, and he will give you what your heart asks. Put your luck in Yahweh, trust him, that he will work; will make your justice shine like light, and your right like noon

Psalm 37: 4-6

We all know that the marriage relationship is not easy and that sometimes it becomes so difficult that it is very difficult to keep hope alive, the flame of love burning, or the desire to keep fighting. However, the idea of our Creator was different when he created the marriage. He created man and woman and put them together to cohabitate in a beautiful place, after providing everything for them, so that they would enjoy their perfection, reciprocity, and complementarity, in a deep and real way.

In general, wives complain about the defects of their husbands when they are irresponsible, excessive, disorderly, immature, lazy, unloving, expressionless, selfish, etc., and they are right to express their frustration about it. But there comes a time when they wonder: can I compose this man? The answer is no. As much as you try to change your husband as a wife, you will not succeed. It is only the power of the Spirit of God that can operate in him for a just transformation, at the right time and under the abundant grace of God.

It is good that as a wife you express your dissatisfaction to your husband, that you give him advice from the bottom of your heart, and that you collaborate with him to adapt to each other, to develop better forms of communication, or to establish better habits of behavior in home and your relationship or your children, but you should never believe that you can change your character, your way of feeling, your heart or your integrity. That can only happen when the Lord deals with your spouse personally. Nor can your husband change you, no matter how hard he tries, but until it is God himself who speaks to your heart.

Therefore, you must come in prayer before your Redeemer and expose to Him your need, your desperation, your frustration or your pain if your husband has come to hurt you with some attitudes. Jesus is your best defender, your best lawyer. Of course, you can talk to your husband, address him with respect and ask him to modify some of his behaviors, but your true support will be prayer. This is the most powerful and effective source you have to receive a blessing from God. A wife who turns to Christ, and not to her intelligence or dexterity, is expressing full confidence in her Lord. This pleases God and He is quick to respond. Remember that He is a living God, interested in your well-being and that of your family.

If you trust in your God, He will give you the requests of your heart much sooner than you imagine. It is He who touches hearts and changes people; It is He who restores lives and changes our character; It is He who heals our wounds and fills our hearts; It is He who forgives our sins and gives us new life. We can influence people, but not change them in a profound and meaningful way. It is God who opens our eyes, who shows us the truth and reproves our soul.

Put all your complaints and requests before Him. Trust, delight in His presence every day and He will work wonders in your life. He will change you first, you will feel completely different, he will give you the patience, love, and wisdom you need to be a perfect partner and not an enemy. God will change your heart, your vision, and will also give you the gift of his intervention. You can not believe what He will do in you if you place all your trust in Him and wait in silence, with discretion, sanity, and sanity.

Abandons hysterical attitudes, offensive or hurtful words escape spite and revenge. Give everything to God and He will reward you. It will teach you to be a virtuous woman, a woman loved and respected by her husband. Very soon you will see the change that will supernaturally operate in your home and the heart of your beloved. Bend your knees right now, go to your God, bow your soul to the Lord, seek his help, He will not delay in answering you!

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