As a couple and as parents
A true family is the place of formation where you learn to live the great virtues
Author: Francisco Mario Morales | Source:

As a couple and as parents
A true family is the place of formation where you learn to live the great virtues
By: Francisco Mario Morales | Source:
It is important and necessary, for the well-being of the couple and the example as the formation of each of the children, as human beings to practice, both, and as a means of life: gratitude (gratitude), mutual respect between couple and children towards parents and between the brothers themselves.
Solidarity, encouragement, recognition of mistakes will always be part of family formation.
A grateful, kind, cheerful, respectful, positive person ... will always be pleasant. A violent person, resentful, frustrated, proud, who thinks that he deserves everything and that is why he does not appreciate, is arrogant and selfish is unpleasant.
It is important to reflect:
A house where nobody cares about training and personal improvement (in the aspects: spiritual, moral and intellectual) and family. A house where nobody knows how to thank, where respect is not known, there is no solidarity, encouragement, and recognition; where there is no harmony of two different beings but necessary and complementary.
Where you try to replace the mother or father, by two moms or two dads, that will be a house, but it will never be a home. Because a home is built together (not only together) by a woman as a wife, companion, friend, sister, and man as a husband, partner, friend and brother.
Let us avoid extermination by modernity against nature. Without the affective relationship between a man and a woman, and the union of wills, in legitimate marriage, there will be no procreation that is one of the objectives of the sacramental union. We are all the result of a relationship between a man and a woman.
The existence and presence of two complementary and necessary beings in all aspects can never be replaced.
There may be a house. A "family" ... but not a HOME
A true family is the place of formation where one learns to live the great virtues; the place wanted by God to form the human being; the place where we are instructed to be people; the place where we learn to love and be loved, to be generous, faithful, honest and responsible. (Father Sergio G. Román | Source: From Faith)
The family is a community of faith, hope, and charity. That's why we can call it Domestic Church. (The Pontifical Council for the Family)
The person needs to live with the family, have a home, a nest to return to when they go out into the street, where there are warmth and protection (Llucià Pou Sabaté | Source:
The heat of home, which must be maintained with art, to be "at ease". With all the letters. "At ease" is written with the A of joy, G of generosity, U of utility, S of satisfaction, T of tolerance and O of order. This way the "temperature" is measured and the heat does not escape us through the cracks of screams and arguments. First of all, from this climate of surrender to others, joy arises, the joy that spreads to others, which is expressed in the gaze, door of the inner world. It is a garden where the plant of generosity grows when the husband arrives tired he does not take refuge in the television news but he will receive the novelties of the woman and each one of the children. Where everyone collaborates and feels useful, and therefore satisfied. And there is tolerance because it is known that there are important things and others that are not, and know-how to distinguish one from another, and give in that which is opinionable and inconsequential and there nobody claims to always have the last word in any matter. And order, also material although without a mania to hide the internal disorder.
This is the vocation of a nest, which is not a place to rest, but also a prison where you can develop a possessive feeling and emotive blackmail: it is the place where you are born, to grow, and to learn to fly: to lose fear of the height, and finally launch into heaven. (Llucià Pou Sabaté | Source:
The heat of home, which must be maintained with art, to be "at ease". With all the letters. "At ease" is written with the A of joy, G of generosity, U of utility, S of satisfaction, T of tolerance and O of order. This way the "temperature" is measured and the heat does not escape us through the cracks of screams and arguments. First of all, from this climate of surrender to others, joy arises, the joy that spreads to others, which is expressed in the gaze, door of the inner world. It is a garden where the plant of generosity grows when the husband arrives tired he does not take refuge in the television news but he will receive the novelties of the woman and each one of the children. Where everyone collaborates and feels useful, and therefore satisfied. And there is tolerance because it is known that there are important things and others that are not, and know-how to distinguish one from another, and give in that which is opinionable and inconsequential and there nobody claims to always have the last word in any matter. And order, also material although without a mania to hide the internal disorder.
At home, you learn
Generosity is taught by example, perseverance, effort, delicacy and love, and above all, everything is done with naturalness and joy. (Salvador Casadevall | Source:
It is common to hear that children learn from their parents and parents who learn from their children. There is a non-verbal language that replaces or accompanies our words. It is the climate that we create around us, ordinarily through very small things like, for example, a friendly smile or a look of appreciation. (Julia Burggraf)
With generous parents, the children will be generous. (Salvador Casadevall | Source:
In the family, it is the best place to be conceived, to be born, to grow, to grow old and to die with the dignity of the human person. (Salvador Casadevall | Source:
The basis of the family and every society is the love, surrender, alliance, and consecration in a marriage of a man and a woman in free and absolute consent.