IV. Economic activity and social justice
IV. Economic activity and social justice
Author: Catechism of the Catholic Church | Source: Vatican.va

IV. Economic activity and social justice
Excerpt from the Catechism of the Catholic Church located in the third part (life in Christ); Second section (The Ten Commandments); Chapter Two (love your neighbor as yourself); Article 7 (The seventh commandment); Subparagraph (IV). It speaks
By: Catechism of the Catholic Church | Source: Vatican.va
Catechism of the Catholic Church
2426 The development of economic activities and the growth of production are designed to meet the needs of human beings. Economic life does not only tend to multiply the goods produced and increase profit or power; it is ordained primarily to the service of the people, of the whole man and the whole human community. The economic activity directed according to its methods must move however within the limits of the moral order, according to the social justice, to answer to the plan of God on man (cf GS 64).
2427 Human labor proceeds directly from persons created in the image of God and calls to prolong, united and for mutual benefit, the work of creation dominating the earth (cf Gn 1, 28; GS 34; CA 31). The work is, therefore, a duty: 'If one does not want to work, it also does not eat' (2 ts 3, 10; CF 1 TS 4, 11). The work honors the gifts of the Creator and the talents received. It can also be the redeemer. Supporting the weight of the work (cf Gn 3, 14-19), in union with Jesus, the carpenter of Nazareth and the crucified of Calvary, man collaborates in a certain way with the son of God in his redeeming work. It is shown as a disciple of Christ carrying the cross every day, in the activity that is called to perform (cf LE 27). Work can be a means of sanctification and animation of earthly realities in the spirit of Christ.
2428 At work, the person exercises and applies a part of the capacities inscribed in their nature. The primary value of the work belongs to the man himself, who is the author and the recipient. The work is for the man and not the man for the work (cf LE 6).
Each one must be able to take from work the means to sustain his life and that of his own and to serve the human community.
2429 Each has the right of economic initiative, and may legitimately use its talents to contribute to a profitable abundance for all and to reap the righteous fruits of his efforts. It shall conform to the regulations dictated by the legitimate authorities with a view to the common good (cf. CA 32; 34).
2430 Economic life is affected by diverse interests, often opposed to each other. This explains the emergence of conflicts that characterize it (cf LE 11). Efforts must be taken to reduce the latter through negotiation, which respects the rights and duties of each party: those responsible for enterprises, workers' representatives, for example, trade union organizations and, if necessary, the public authorities.
2431 The responsibility of the State. “The economic activity, in particular, the market economy, cannot be dealt with in the midst of an institutional, legal and political vacuum. On the contrary, it implies security that guarantees individual freedom and property, as well as a stable monetary system and efficient public services. The first concern of the State is, therefore, to ensure that security so that those who work and produce can enjoy the fruits of their work and therefore feel encouraged to do it efficiently and honestly... Another concern of the State is to monitor and channel the exercise of human rights in the economic sector, but in this field, the first responsibility is not of the State, but of each person and of the various groups and associations in which the society is articulated”(CA 48).
2432 The companies responsible for the company have the economic and ecological responsibility of their operations (CA 37). They are obliged to consider the good of the people and not only the increase in profits. However, these are necessary; they allow the investments that assure the future of the companies, and they guarantee the jobs.
2433 Access to work and the profession must be open to all without unfair discrimination, to men and women, healthy and diminished, indigenous and immigrant (cf LE 19; 22-23). In view of the circumstances, society should on its part help citizens to seek work and employment (cf CA 48).
2434 The fair wage is the legitimate fruit of labor. Denying or withholding it may constitute a serious injustice (cf Lv 19, 13; Dt 24, 14-15; St 5, 4). The needs and contributions of each one must be taken into account to determine the fair remuneration. The work must be remunerated in such a way as to give to the man possibilities that he and his own will live dignifiedly their material, social, cultural and spiritual life, taking into account the task and the productivity of each one, as well as the conditions of the company and the common good (GS 67, 2). The agreement of the parties is not enough to justify morally the amount of the salary.
2435 The strike is morally legitimate when it constitutes an inevitable resource, if not necessary to obtain a proportionate benefit. It is morally unacceptable when it is accompanied by violence or also when it is carried out based on objectives not directly linked to the conditions of work or contrary to the common good.
2436 It is unfair not to pay social security agencies the quotes set by the legitimate authorities.
Deprivation of employment because of the strike is almost always for his victim an attack on his dignity and a threat to the balance of life. In addition to the personal injury suffered, numerous risks for your home are derived from this deprivation (cf LE 18).