13 Heroic Ways to Show Your Husband That You Love Him
Author: Sebastian Campos | Source: http://catholic-link.com/

When Paul explains what wives should be, he refers to them in terms that most women today would consider as submission: "Teach young women to love their husband and children, to be modest, caste , women of their house, good and respectful with her husband» (Titus 2, 4-5).
We do not want to contradict the biblical model proposed by the apostle, we do not want to invite you to live it literally, but to take the spirit of these verses and understand the meaning of Saint Paul in writing that in the family, it is good to serve, care and respect as a gesture of love and free delivery, just as the Church gives herself to Christ.
It is a reality that marriages are destroyed, in a considerable percentage, by the mistakes, negligence’s and failings of men when they stop loving and serving their wives, but many times they get discouraged when their wives neglect them and stop paying attention mainly due to the arrival of children and household chores. This does not seek to justify the male gender and its inexcusable errors, but try to understand that to dance a tango you need two and you are one of those two. In another post we will give ideas to the boys so that they fulfill their duties, they will have their turn.
That is why we want to propose some ideas so that in everyday life you can show your husband that you love him and that you prefer him.
Gentlemen, in what other ways could your wife show you that she loves you? And you ladies could perhaps collaborate with your success stories sharing what actions you do to show how much you love your husbands.
13 ways to show your husband that you love him:
1.Never, never complain about him in front of friends or family.
This is one of the things that most embarrass us. Among men the struggle to look good is constant. If we are ashamed of our own wife complaining, even if she is right, something in our masculinity dies. We are a team and loyalty and mutual care is essential to protect the relationship.
2. Avoid making him feel bad when you do housework.
It is known that you (the women) take away a large part of the household chores and either by bad habit, culture, custom or upbringing. It is hard for men to take the initiative in these things. Do not think it makes us proud to not be good at things in the house. Every time you want to collaborate, do not rub it in his face or complain, motivate it with love.
3. Watch a “boy’s movie” with him
It's simple. We like cars, explosions, shots and emotion. We know you'd prefer a romantic comedy ... but it's good to join us and share the likes. Although we are a little hermetic with our spaces, it's nice that you want to be part of them.
4. Search for complements rather than critics.
Most of the time we realize when we do something wrong. That male instinct makes it difficult for us to take on mistakes in front of others is something else. It is not necessary to emphasize it. Complement, correct with love, guide and understand. Dialogue and encouraging each other are the center of the conversation when there are differences. Think about how to improve things instead of just looking for what is wrong.
5. Allow him to have time for himself
Even if you spend that time on things that seem meaningless and useless, give them that space for their hobbies, their rest or whatever they do. Men need time to do "nothing" and not feel remorse for spending that time.
6. Do your best to stay attractive to him
Do not see it as an invitation to compete with other women and keep your man at home, but as a gesture of love and concern. Nobody talks about falling into superficialities and hire someone to make you a "fashion emergency". It is understandable that the little time left by the weekly routine does not allow you to exercise, eat well and everything you want to keep fit, but small gestures, such as dressing up or putting on makeup when they go out together can make a difference.
7. Tell him you're proud of him
He must assume that it is important at home for his contribution to the household economy and the image of authority with children, but it is a good idea to tell him that he does it well when he does it well, do not wait for speeches at important parties to do so. Men are concrete and sometimes the subtle gestures you make to show your pride go unnoticed and we do not notice what they want to show us. Just say it with words: I'm proud of you.
8. Kiss him like you mean it
Like those teenage boyfriends, like those terrible farewells they had on those days when they did not want to separate, like those days when they were reconciled after a strong argument. A kiss with love and tenderness not only disconcerts, but refreshes and recalls that original feeling that is sometimes forgotten.
9. Forgive him when he's wrong
It's going to happen more than you'd like. Therefore, do not forgive him as a custom, forgive him as a gesture of love and understanding. Men are very wrong and we are ashamed to admit it and ask for forgiveness. Forgiving him will let him know that even if he makes a mistake, he is still loved and will learn to apologize when he fails.
10. Love him when he had a bad day
There is a direct relationship between a bad day at work and bad character when you get home. More direct is the relationship if you do not like your job; He will always be overwhelmed at home. Men find it difficult to dissociate both. Love him, even if he is heavy, but help him to make the work lighter, advise him, pray for him and support him if he has a new work initiative.
11. Be grateful when he helps you out
Although they are not great things, when we collaborate in the things of the house for many it is an out of the ordinary effort and we are clumsy in those tasks, in fact we spoil many of the things that we try to do well. Be grateful, even if it is something small and you have to go after doing it again, but well done.
12. Be honest
He needs you to tell him what you're thinking when he asks you. Do not answer "nothing", be honest, but combine love with honesty. We need to know what goes through the heads of our wives. It sounds like a joke, but most of the time we do not really know what is happening to them and it is not by inattentive or distracted, it is that we just do not know and we need their honesty.
13. Pray for him daily
The secret ingredient and the deepest expression of love: to be faithful in daily prayer for him. The best and greatest gift you can give is to God. Present it daily in your prayer, it will touch the heart of God. Probably your husband is not a man of much prayer and faith, but you two are one flesh; it is a spiritual support for him.