
Conceptual key: Solidarity
The natural foundation of solidarity

The natural foundation of solidarity is the universal fraternity and the common origin of the human race in God creator

Author: C.L. Rossetti | Source:

Conceptual key: Solidarity
The natural foundation of solidarity is the universal fraternity and the common origin of the human race in God creator 
Is the moral and social virtue which, born from the consciousness of interdependence and co-responsibility between men and nations, is carried out in the "firm and persevering determination to strive for the common good; that is to say, for the sake of every one, that we may all be truly responsible for all "(SRS 38). 
Solidarity implies, in itself, the demand for → justice. The natural foundation of solidarity is → universal fraternity and the common origin of the human race in God the creator; the Christians perceive the divine vocation of each man and in the redemption acted by Christ, the motive of exerting solidarity as a form of charity: "The principle of solidarity, also designated by the name of ´friendship´ or of ´social charity´, is a direct requirement from the human and Christian fraternity. " "The law of human solidarity and charity" has a natural foundation "in the community of origin and in the equality of the reasonable nature, proper of all men" and one supernatural, in the "sacrifice of redemption offered by Jesus Christ on the altar of the cross ... in favor of sinful humanity "(CIC 1939).
There must also be solidarity among nations that looks to "finish with" the ´perverse mechanisms´ that hinder → the development of the less advanced countries" (CIC 2437-2438).

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