12 Things Every Wife Wants to Hear from Her Husband
Author: Ashley Willis | Source: Ashley Willis's Blog // PildorasDeFe.net

My husband, Dave, recently wrote an article called "10 Things Every Husband Wants to Hear," and has helped many wives open their eyes. But what do wives want to hear from their husbands? Here are 12 things that every wife wants to hear - in no particular order:
1.- "You are my favorite person"
There is a great relationship of friendship in each great marriage. Your wife wants to know that she is your favorite person to spend time together.
With so many things competing for your attention from children, work, hobbies, bills and everything else, it is important that you let your wife know that she is never a burden on your busy schedule. Let her know that she is your favorite part of the day and that your day is brighter and better because she is part of it.
2.- "You are so beautiful."
You probably told this to your wife very often when they were dating. However, we need to hear this even more often when we are married.
Husband: let her know that she still has that sex appeal and tell her how much you love her smile. Be specific about what you like about her beauty - not only about her physical beauty, but about everything you find beautiful about her, from her smile to how she loves you and your children to her beautiful eyes. She will appreciate what you have to say to her.
3.- "Thanks for ..."
A simple "thank you" can go a long way. However, the longer we are married, the less we tend to thank our partner for all that he is and for all that he does for us.
Husbands, think about all the things you are grateful for when it comes to your wives and offer a specific "thank you" each day.
Thank them for the little acts of love that she does for you and your families. Thank them for always being their biggest cheerleaders. Thank him for his hard work making everything work wonders at home. Whatever. Let them know how much they appreciate who she is and what she does.
4.- "I love spending time with you".
As wives we do not like to feel that our husbands spend time with us because it is an obligation. We want them to want to spend time with us. And his desire is demonstrated by his words and actions.
Husbands, you can show your wives how much they love spending time with them by calling them or texting them throughout the day. Even though they are physically away, they can still spend time together through those conversations.
It is also important to prioritize having a night of solo both regularly. This allows both of them to look directly into each other's eyes, do something entertaining together and really connect without everything else competing for their attention.
Even if you do not prepare a romantic night or go on a date, a simple way to show your wives that you love spending time together is to give your undivided attention by turning off the phone and other devices. Ask them how their day was and be willing to answer any questions they ask them. Then, let them know how much they love being with them. They will see that you really care about them through those thoughtful words and actions.
5.- "I'm so happy you're my wife."
This is important. As wives we want to know that our husbands think that marrying us was one of the best decisions of their lives.
We do not want to feel like the old "iron ball". I think I could write an entire article about how much I hate that expression. I know it's an old phrase, but I still can not hear when some husbands use those words to describe their wives today. And I see the shamed wives inside while they are forced to smile. It is simply terrible.
Husbands, your wives do not want to feel that you are with them because they caught you in some way. They do not want to feel that they are being stopped in any way.
Your wives want to know that you feel they won the lottery when they got married. And you can show them that by telling them how happy they are that they are their wives.
6.- "I love you so much-if not more than-the day we got married"
This is one of my favorite things that Dave tells me. When we get married, it seems that the seams of our dresses are going to burst with the emotion and happiness that we feel when we think that we are going to start a new life together. But, after a few years, that shine of newlyweds is fading.
Husbands, be sure to show your wives that you have not vanished. Tell them how much you love them very often. Honestly, they do not get tired of listening to it.
7.- "I've been thinking about you all day and can’t wait to see you."
Husbands, their wives love to hear that they think about them often. No one wants to be forgotten or go unnoticed with their partner.
An excellent way to stay in the other's mind is to communicate throughout the day. Call or write text messages. Try to flirt and make it fun. This is a very simple way to show your wives that they are thinking about them and that they want to be reunited at the end of the work day.
8.- "I want you."
A wife wants to know that her husband still feels very attracted to her. She wants to know that she still wants her. And husbands, you can show your wives this by letting them know how much you want them with your words and actions.
For a woman, flirting is an all-day task. So, spouses, encourage your wives by helping them with something that is stressing them like dirty clothes, going to bring the children, keep the dishes, etc. Then, massage your feet. Hold them tight. Put your hands through your hair. Look them straight in the eyes. Tell them how beautiful and sexy they are. And let them know that they still drive them crazy.
9.- "You can!"
My husband often says that husbands and wives should be the greatest animators of each other. And I could not agree more.
There are times in my life when I'm not sure if I can reach something or endure a difficult season and my husband has always been there encouraging and encouraging me. I am immensely grateful.
Husbands take some time each day and let your wives know that you are their greatest admirers and that you believe in them. This will raise their confidence and give them the strength to move forward.
10.- "You can always count on me; I will always be here for you".
Marriage is a society, and even then, many couples can’t take their problems and worries home without being mistreated or even rejected or ignored. This hurts deeply and often leads to an empty and lonely marriage.
Husbands, when your wives come to you with tears in their eyes and worries covering their faces, be willing to stop doing what they are doing and listen to what they have to say. That will mean a lot to them and they will know that they can count on you in all circumstances.
11.- "I trust you"
As much as we need to let our partner know that we are trustworthy, we also need to know that we can trust him / her.
Husbands, one way to accomplish this is by opening up to their wives. Be willing to talk to them about difficult things. Show yourself vulnerable. Do not be contained. Tell them that you trust them and that is why you can share their fears and concerns. The more you do this, the more connected you will be.
12.- "I'm praying for you"
As a Christian, I believe in the power of prayer and I love knowing that my husband is one of my greatest warriors. I love when he tells me that he is praying for me, and I believe him completely.
As I have shared on many occasions, the strongest marriages are built on a firm foundation of faith. And prayer is a big part of this.
We encourage all husbands and wives to pray together each day, but we also urge them to pray for themselves and to always include their partners in their prayers.
Husbands, let them know their wives who are praying for them and, when they ask for a prayer for a specific reason, listen to them and pray for them. You will be surprised how much God will work through these prayers.