5 Favorite Saints
Author: New Fire | Source: Catholic.net

By these dates in which in many countries the cold begins, the leaves fall and the obsession for the pumpkin spices begins, the most obvious festivity at the sight of all is the celebration of the Halloween...
This October 31st we must remind Catholics 3 important things: Evil exists, death is an inevitable part of our human existence and Jesus, on the cross, has already triumphed over point 1 and 2.
However, something that can happen to us between the pumpkins and the hot chocolate is that we overlook the party from which the famous "All Hallows Eve" originated: The commemoration of All Saints, a Catholic festival celebrated on November 1st.
To serve as a reminder and/or to celebrate with the Universal Church this important date, I want to share with you my favorite 5 saints and why these people are so relevant to my life and yours:
St. John Paul II
What I like about him: His Passion
What he has taught me: To not be afraid to live my faith
SJPII in popular culture (how can you get to know him more): Book “The five Loves of St. John Paul the Great” by Jason Evert.
My favorite quote from him: "Don't be afraid! Open up, open the doors to Christ!
St. Thomas More
A theologian, politician, humanist and English writer, was taken to trial and sentenced to death by Henry VIII for his loyalty to the Pope of Rome and to the church.
What I like about him: His bravery
What he has taught me: To stay true to my principles no matter the level of the test
St. Thomas More in popular culture (how can you know him more): Film- “The Man of Two kingdoms, winner of 6 Oscar.” (7.9/10 in IMDB)
My favorite quote from him: "Nothing that God doesn’t want, can happen to me. And everything he wants, no matter how bad it seems, is actually the best. "
St. Teresa de Ávila
Founder of the Order of the Barefoot Carmelites, of the greatest teachers of the spiritual life and first woman to be named (with Saint Catherine of Siena) Doctor of the Church.
What I like about her: her determination
What she has taught me: To follow the path of Christ even if it is cross way
My favorite phrase from her: "Prayer is not about thinking much, but about loving a lot."
St. Augustine of Hippo
Doctor of the church and one of the greatest Christian thinkers of the first millennium.
What I like about him: His history of conversion and perseverance
What he has taught me: Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future
My favorite quote from him: "You made us, Lord, for you, and our heart will be restless until it rests in you."
St. Thomas of Aquino
Named Doctor Angelico, common doctor and Doctor of Humanity by the Catholic Church. Author of the Summa Theologica and the Summa against Gentiles, Compendiums of the doctrine and the philosophical apology of the Catholic faith.
What I like about him: I can't choose just one... He is just a crack.
What he has taught me: Faith and reason are not opposite but complement
Saint Thomas in popular culture (how can you know him more): Podcast- Pints with Aquinas by Matt Fradd.
My favorite quote from him: "Non nisi te, Domine" ("Nothing but you, sir")
I must confess, it was hard for me to reduce this list to only 5 saints but, we had to start somewhere. If you want to lengthen the list or if you also have your favorite saints, you can put them in the comments.