The First Date
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I want to share my story with God, a story that changes my life. And I didn't want to keep it just for myself. I appreciate you reading the following lines.
Surely the title of this text will draw your attention, but It's not about some romance I've had, it’s nothing like it. I mean the prayer that seems to be a date with the beloved, every prayer is a date with him, with Jesus Christ.
I didn't use to be a prayer lover; I was just an ordinary girl. I had no desire to try prayer or to know at least what prayer was. But thanks to a priest whom I admire very much, I discovered this beautiful, small and simple prayer: «Jesus, if you exist, give me Faith». I just wanted to meet the famous "best friend of the priest" (which I already mentioned), he had talked wonders about his best friend, Jesus Christ.
I had resisted it as much as I could, I denied Him, had doubts about the existence of God, it seemed useless to pray, to talk to "someone" who I didn’t even know if existed. But one day I dared, well I think it’s God who encouraged me, and I started a dialogue with this Jesus. I was face to face with Him, always repeating the little prayer: "Jesus, if you exist, give me Faith." I discovered the greatest thing in the history of mankind, that is to say, that God does exist.
Since I began to do the little prayer, I have found peace, an inexplicable inner peace that neither the best scientists in Russia could explain. Every time I yarned more and more to pray the same little prayer, today this simple prayer is what makes me persevere in faith and that allows me to find Him and allows me to love Jesus Christ.
"I believe that prayer is always a first date with God, where we let ourselves look at each other with love."