All Saints
Author: Fr Andrew Gronotte LC | Source: LCBLOG

November 1st we celebrat All Saint’s Day! To celebrate this feast isn’t just about giving honor to those who have made it to heaven, because really what we have to offer adds nothing to the greatness that they already share. Rather it is about us. God invites us to be saints.
God invites us to Eternal Life. He wants us to be with Him for all eternity. The saints sing this song today before His throne: “Salvation comes from our God”. He has won this for us. This is what gives us hope. This is why it is worth living the faith. This is why it is worth doing good. The journey to heaven is hard, but the beautiful thing about that journey is that we are never alone. We have the saints in heaven interceding for us, and we have our brothers and sisters in the faith to help us on this journey. The real saint is like a pillar who is held up by holding up others. We can’t be saints alone. We are all in this together. This feast is about our journey to God and walking together in order to make it there.