5 ways of praying
Author: P. Sebastián Rodriguez, LC | Source: elblogdelafe

“The prayer means loving the one who loves us” (St Teresa) it means searching the One who searches us. When Jesus tells Peter: “Simon, are you asleep? Did not you have the strength to stay awake one hour?” (Mc 14, 27), so we can confirm that Christ searches us, knocks the door of our hearts, hoping that we talk to Him. Those are words “light on their noise, but pierces as the stinger of a sting” (St Thomas More) How is possible that Peter, His apostle, friend and the first Pope, has slept during the sorrow and suffering of Christ and some hours before the Passion? Jesus is not interested on his good, but in the Peter’s; and Jesus advices him: “stay awake and pray not to be put to the test”.
We can feel like Peter, who hasn’t ever offended Christ? Let’s pay attention to the words of Jesus that says: stay awake and pray. He wants us to pray regularly. Praying is not only showed by Jesus as something useful, but as something necessary for our life. So, we need to wonder: how do I pray? Do I really practice it as something necessary, like a priority on my daily life?
Praying has many benefits, it joins us more to God, it helps us to know and love Him more, too. Furthermore, it helps us to listen to him and recognize the will He has for us. The will of God doesn’t only mean what He wants we are, but what God wants we do every moment. Praying is making a decision with God. It’s like when you talk with a friend for asking some advices about how to react or what to do with a problem or event, what does God want about me and about this? How does he want I react? What does he want I do? In addition, prying helps us to leave material things and focus our sight to the supernatural (the only you need to be happy). Additionally, it helps us to think, act and love as similar as God thinks, acts and loves. All of this we can appreciate on Mary, Our Mother. On her prayers, she accepts being Mother of God, in this way she is able to place herself in His hands: “let it happen to me as you have said” (Luke 1) In the moment she says this, she doesn’t have any idea about the future and she knows neither what will happen all the angel told her nor how will happen. However, she, as a woman of prayer, trusts in God, says confidently a Yes of love and ready to do what God asks.
We can find in the Christian prayer 5 ways of praying.
First, we have the Blessing prayer, which we ask God to fill us of graces. All blessing comes from God. A householder can make the sign of the cross on the forehead of his child; God sees that action and blesses them. In addition to that, a priest, thanks to his ministry, blesses clearly in the name of Jesus.
Another way of praying is the Worship, we humbly recognize God like the Almighty. If we worship God, we feel his power, greatness and sanctity.
Then, we have the prayer of Petition, which we use to ask God for our necessities. He knows everything, but, anyway, He wants we frequently ask with faith, and being open mind what God considers is better for us. For example, God saw and knew how the people of Israel suffered in the desert, but He did anything when He listened his people’s yelling. Yelling which means prayer, petition, acclaiming God.
Another kind of prayer of petition is the intercession. Pray for others. Always remember to earn graces praying for everyone who is around of us. For example, if we see a car accident, do I pray for the ones affected and their recovery? If I see a beggar asking for handouts, do I pray for that person? If I see someone who offends Christ, do I pray or I only enjoy at judging him internally?
The next payer is the Thanksgiving. As Saint Paul would say: what do you possess that you have not received? Everything we have, God gave us. We may think that all we have is obviously because of our own effort, but, who gave us the will for making an effort? Who gave us feet, hands and intelligence for achieving what we wish? Expressing your gratitude to God means love and be humble, because we are aware that he is our Creator.
Finally, we have the prayer of Praise. We clearly know that God doesn’t need applauses, but we need to recognize Him like God. We must show our cheerfulness, because we are children of God.
On this Easter period let’s motivate each other to reinforce our prayer with God, our conversation with Him. We have to learn “how to spend time with God”, to have time for praying every day. Believe it or not, but if you can go 30 minutes to the Blessed Sacrament chapel every day, even though you don’t have enough time and you are worried about finishing all the things that you have to do; God never stops blessing you. Let’s use the prayer to pray God His blessing, to worship Him, ask Him what we need, pray for others, give thanks to Him and praise Him. When someone is able to have some time for that, we will live calmer and quieter, and especially we will have a better life than before.
Translation made by gustavo.menal@hotmail.com