Have you already left your house?
Author: Father Fernando Pascual, L.C. | Source: Catholic.Net
Father Abad wanted to offer some advice to young man who had just left his house to start a new life in another city. This is why he sent him the following message.
"Greetings, Daniel, hoping that you had a good trip. As we had almost no time to say goodbye, because you were overwhelmed by the last moment preparations, I leave these lines with some of the ideas that I wanted to share with you.
Your life so far has been full of blessings. You have found an environment that has favored your faith. You have avoided the bad companies. You have had the facility to go to mass and confess. You have read a lot of prayer.
Now the new circumstances separate you from that environment. You have new challenges before you: accommodate yourself, make decisions about your future, think seriously on creating your own family and choose other friends.
That is why, with so many challenges ahead of you, a first advice: do not stop talking to God frequently. You can appeal to the famous prayer of the name of Jesus that in a briefly says: “Jesus, have mercy on me, sinner".
It is a simple prayer of the heart. You can also find other formulas, even invent your own. What is important is to talk to God frequently to ask for light and help in the different moments of your life.
Also look for a spiritually person, close to God, that can help you and advise you in your Christian way. We are not believers in loneliness, but in the great family which is the Church. And it is good to find friends, counselors, which allow us to discern where God wants to take us.
Related to your professional future, here is a simple advice. Dedicate some days to visit people doing work that you find suitable for you. Then, ask them how they feel, which is the best way to prepare for that particular job, etc.
According to the responses that you receive, you can decide where to direct your steps and on which job you would like to serve your family and others.
As for your friends, be prudent. There are persons who cheat, that even abuse. When they find someone open and simple as you, it is easy to seek on how to take advantage of you. For this reason, attention: don't let anybody harm you.
Thank God, you will also find many good people. Hopefully, near where you live there will be some parish group and this way you will be able to live with others the same faith you have in the heart.
Difficult things in life will come. When they arrive, because of others, because of you, or for causes you just do not understand, always look for God and find refuge in Him and when you need it, forgiveness.
Do not let resentment destroy your soul. It is hard to forgive, even for me, but with the grace of God we can make this wonderful gesture that frees us from unhealthy hate and rescue those who have offended us.
Live every day trusting in God, as the Gospel teaches (cf. Mt 6: 25-34). The Kingdom is the most important thing. The rest can produce great joys, but also disappointments. God, on the other hand, never fails.
On dating, a brief idea: do not play with your own feelings or the feelings of another person. When you meet a young woman who seems to be the "candidate", learn how to talk to her to get to share your ideals and find that harmony of mind and heart which allows mature and authentic Christian marriages.
Be careful with money. Let no one deceive you with loans that are not but usury dressed in a false friendship. Also do not misspend what you are earning. Use the savings to help others and to prepare to put up your own family.
Never forget your people. Thank God, technology makes very easy to communicate with your parents and brothers. But more than the number of messages, what matters most are the quality and love that you put in them.
I think that I still have much more to say but I don't want to stretch out much. I pray for you. Pray for me. If we do not see each other again in this Earth, I pray God that we can find ourselves, one day in heaven.
Yours always in Christ,..."