Look to your Roots
Source: RomeReports

In it, the Holy Father asks the youth if they have grown old and become too comfortable to not want to change the future of the family. Thus, he calls them to remain youthful and remember their roots to help build a better future.
“None of us, neither you nor me, were manufactured in a laboratory: we have a history, we have roots. And everything we do, the results we achieve, the beauty we create in the future, all comes from those roots. Refer to your grandparents and your parents. Talk to them. And then bring it all with you into the future. That is transformation: when there are roots, then you have the strength to transform the family.”
This video message is part of the Antilles Episcopal Conference Youth Assembly meeting. The encounter focused on transforming the family in the Caribbean in line with Chapter 4 of Pope Francis' “Amoris Laetitia,” which addresses love within the family.