Friendship with Christ
Author: Fr. Michael Sliney, LC | Source: Regnum Christi Live

"Friendship with the teacher guarantees profound peace and serenity to the soul even in the darkest moments and in the most arduous trials. When faith meets with dark nights, in which the presence of God is no longer ‘felt’ or ‘seen’, friendship with Jesus guarantees that in reality nothing can ever separate us from his love.” (Pope Benedict XVI, January 1, 2006)
Since the age of 12, when I did my first week-end retreat with the Legion of Christ, Christ has been the absolute best friend of my life. Losing my dad and a brother was really tough. Keeping my moral life together in High School and in a fraternity at Michigan State was a constant challenge and battle. Nearly 14 years of studying for the priesthood, trying to be faithful to my vows of poverty, chastity and obedience was not easy. Nearly 13 years of priestly ministry, where my life is deeply embedded with the lives of so many families and their personal trials/tragedies can be a bit draining although very rewarding as well. Sleepless nights worrying about souls. Yet, Christ has always been right there, 24/7, close to my heart, inspiring and encouraging me every step of the way. He fills me with deep peace and profound joy, and his light has overpowered any darkness or trial. He is a faithful friend and he wants to be yours as well!