
Down Syndrome
This is a message for the world day of Down Syndrome March 21st

Author: Ryan Everson | Source: Catholic.Net

Throw out the Bible, God chooses the simplest people and humble places. God delights using the most humble of circumstances for his most "Amazing Work".

God calls us to care for his children who are due to all causes by society as the poor, the sick, the disable, etc. In Gods eyes the value of the human being is not dependent on social status, fiscial beauty, mental ability, or any other world defeature.

God created all humans being is not dependent on Social Status, fisical beauty, mental ability or any other World defeature.

God created all humans being in his image and likeness and all humans being are worthy of love for that reason. Unfortunately our brothers and sisters with Down  Syndrom are not always trated with  the proper love. Let´s wath this video to see how God loves us in any situation or circustance.

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