The Mass is Christ's sacrifice which is free
Author: Staff | Source: Vatican News
One does not pay to go to Mass, those were Pope Francis’ words during his catechesis at his General Audience on Wednesday. The Pope emphasized that “the Mass is the sacrifice of Christ which is free. If you want you can make an offering, but you do not pay.”
Three attitudes for disciples of Christ
Pope Francis in his continuing study of the Mass also said, there were three approaches that should never be lacking in disciples of Jesus: the first is, learn how to give thanks, the second, to make our life a gift of love, and third, to build concrete communion in the Church and with everyone.
Eucharistic Prayer, an education
Speaking to the pilgrims gathered in the Paul VI hall the Pontiff spoke in particular about the Eucharistic Prayer noting that "this central prayer of the Mass educates us, little by little, to make a "Eucharist" of our whole life, that is an action of grace "
The Pope went on to say that “in offering the bread and wine which become the body and blood of Christ, we unite ourselves to his sacrifice of reconciliation on the cross.”
As the memorial of the mystery of the Lord’s death and resurrection, the Pope added, “the Eucharistic prayer asks that we may be drawn, in the Holy Spirit, into communion with one another in the mystical Body of Christ, and united to the Son in his eternal sacrifice of praise and intercession before the Father.”
In conclusion, Pope Francis prayed that at every Mass, the faithful would “enter more fully into this “mystery of faith”, which brings the forgiveness of sin, builds up the Church in unity and prays for the reconciliation and peace of our entire human family.”